Chapter 20: Epic Fail

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○♡Ellie's P.O.V

I slept like a baby for six hours.

I opened my eyes and squinted slightly as the light seeped through my eyes. The pain was now gone along with the headache.

"Arghh." I let out a muffled groan as I stretched my sore body.

"Good afternoon sleeping lady who got her period today!" Todd walked in with cheerful expression.

I blushed beet red as the memories from earlier came rushing by.

"Do you really have to bring that up?" I croaked out.

Todd handed me a glass of water from the desk,"Of course blue! As your bestfriend, It's my job to embarrass you ninety nine percent of the time." Todd stated flicking a few locks out of his face.

I raised a brow,"Since when did we become bestfriend?" I voiced out.

"Since we made that deal." Todd answered with 'Duh' tone.

I cracked a grin,"If you say so." I answered.

Todd pushed the covers slightly before taking a seat next to me on the bed and started scratching  his feet under the covers.

"Are you okay?" Gone was his teasing tone and was now replaced by a serious one.

I let out a small smile,"I don't know to be honest," Fidgeting with Alec's shirt,"Last night Alec told me I mean a lot to him and he was sorry for being a dick these past few days." I said.

"I think my brain is kinda hectic because of all these events that are happening lately." I continued looking at Todd.

"Pshh. You're doing great if you ask me." Todd said giving me a smile.

"Thanks. How did you know I'm here by the way?" I asked curiously.

"Alec informed me actually." Todd said.

"He did?" I asked surprised.

"Yeaah." He said turning his head slightly to my direction.

I was about to ask another question when Alec entered the room in a rush.

"Why was the door closed? What are you two doing? And why is there a frog sitting on my bed? Why are you're hands under the covers?" Alec asked as looked at Todd and me suspiciously.

"Frog on the bed?" I asked the same time Todd said,"I'm scratching my feet." Raising his hands in a 'surrender' way.

Alec ignored my question,"Get out tadpole." He said to Todd.

Ohhh. I get it!

Todd rolled his eyes,"It's not like I'm gonna steal her away from you." Todd grumbled his curses as he marched his away outside.

I looked at Alec who was blushing slightly. He was scratching the back of his neck with a sheepish look.

"You're cute when you're jealous." I stated giggling.

"Who? Me? Cute? Oh hell no!" He said shaking his head profusely.

"Oh yes you are." I said moving forward to pinch his cheek.

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