2-Years of life come with new people

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Love is an interesting feeling...it can be combined with hate, sadness and other overwhelming daily feelings. I loved my mother, my brothers...I love nature with her miracles, each snowflake, each sunrise, each day and night cycle is a miracle, you just have to see it...I love humans, with all their greatness and downfalls, with every ambition and hesitation, I was one of them, I can relate...I love art in every manifestation:music, painting, writing...I love science with every discovery, being a witness at evolution brings new feelings about it...

And I loved, with burning passion, full of fire and desire...a consuming love...a love I now hate, a love I regret living ...I let it consume me. This feeling brought me to my knees, made me cry endless rivers and unfortunately I draw blood because of it...

You see, me a 550 years old vampire, full of love...then what's the irony? Because after so many years of hipocrisy, lies,fakeness I don't know how to show it...at the beginning I was afraid to do it, so I cannot be seen as weak and became bitter, because I finally understood: I love, but I am not loved...

Yes my parents cared for me, yes some of my brothers too...but,in my love life I was always the second option, not the first...an opportunity, an one night stand, the booty call like is called nowadays. He ignored my feelings, he took my innocence and took advantage of my love for him. You know that there is a fine line between love and hate, and Chris tought I will always be his puppet, but he was wrong, because since that night my love turned in the fires of hell, a burning hate that I showed him. May his soul burn in the pits of Hell, but Chris helped me become the most dangerous being on earth, he was the reason I am the most feared  blood demon on this planet ... so how I became torn between past and present?

I was turned out of love: HE fell in love with me and made me one of his creations, at the beginning I was mad, then I enjoyed the power that came within, I lived for revenge, I burdened myself with hate, I shed blood, until a century later my sad heart understood that I did not truly hate my Sire... but I discovered a heartwrenching truth: I wanted to die, not to live for eternity...so why I am alive? Because my dead heart blossomed in the most incredible way... this ancient being made his way into my soul, gave me emotions I never felt before and proved me that even though I am not loveable and I push people away from me there are beings who can destroy your walls. After my bloodlust episode I took care not to hurt the innocents...even if everyone is afraid of me, I have people who stuck like glue... funny, I learned after 150 years what friends are for...and after 200 that you can be a family without being blood related...tough job right? I am still a sassy badass, but I let my walls down for a selective group of people...

My father was turned to be punished and he lost the love of his life so he is mad on destiny, his only reason to keep going is the idea of reincarnation. But in his bitterness he keeps reminding me of my human life...he thinks that I am tied to it, like him, to keep going. I didn't want to burst his bubble, but I have a brand new life going for more than 200 years... sadly, I have to put my walls back up when I join him, once a year...happily on New Year I am going to be in Dubai...

A/N: Hello lovelies! Sorry for the delay...I finished my exams at the end of February and I was so tired that I didn't have enough energy to write!Hopefully, I am back...because I have a crazy idea of spin-off from this story, but until then let's discover Zaleska's past and present...stay tuned!


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