1-Love comes with jealousy

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It's december, a great month for great gestures, never enough...what hipocrisy: the rich give to the poor only when Christmas is approaching! Well for me it's even, they come and go, they suffer and die, some become like us and their life is getting better or not, depends. After I became a vampire I was bitter for almost one hundred years. Now I understood: the tiredness, the stress are not worth it!

If one of my eternal friends could see me they would laugh... I can't stop loving this country: I am in a train that travels with 50 km per hour, not because is cheap, but  because I want to see what changed. Sadly is sunny, no clouds, so, yeah, no snow! I am on my way to Brasov, and from there I will rent a car to get to Bran. This seats are not comfortable, but the grey view reminds me of the awful past  of MY country.

Watching the scenery going by I remember why I am here: my dad and holidays. For an eternity together sometimes the spirituality is not present, pleasure to see me, I guess, but there always is bitterness.

1455, Christmas Eve, my dad,the military governor of Brasov, age 24 sees in the middle of a snow storm a blonde girl, with big blue eyes who was bringing food to the soldiers from the Weavers Bastion (her father was a weaver). Impressed he helped her, and so they met: 17 years old Katarina Siegel stole his cold heart. She made him forget about his others lovers and about his wife. He seduced her with expensive gifts( materials for dresses and jewelry), but he became extremely possesive: no walking alone, no evening meetings with girls, no men around her, unless they were related to her. He was around her house at the most unexpected moments.

I know that he ran in Brasov even during war: he let someone to lead the battle(PS: Vlad was the one who replaced him). His soldiers never questioned it out of fear, but my brothers understood that he needed a stress relieve.

Another interesting event happened during the Bartholomew massacre: the merchant's wives attacked Katarina, beat her and took her to the Tower of infamy, cut her hair and started to accuse her of witchcraft .When my father found out he was beyond furious. Radu described him like a beast who was ready to kill. He took some of his people and entered the citadel with torches threatening to burn it if Katarina won't be released. When he had his lover back in his arms, he softened and released ,as a sign of gratitude, the convicted.(My dad and gratitude? What a weird combination.)

A little birdie told me he kept her pigtail. Last year, while he was still sleeping I saw it in a drawer, in one of the hidden rooms from the castle... and I am still awed about the kind of love they shared.

Funny though, my dad doesn't mention about his infatuation too often, everything that I know is from my two eldest brothers, his two first sons, well Radu loved to tell details.There are dramatized details like: Anastasia (my father's first wife, Radu and Vlad's mother) jumped in a river near Arges, called today Lady's River, because she didn't want to be captured by ottomans. The romantics who wrote the history said that she killed herself when she found out about my father's adventure. This mistake is forgivable, unforgivable is the fact that my father's people assumed that my brothers were mad on him. Wrong assumption: at the time my father was one of the few leaders who wanted to get out of the Ottoman's oppression, so to be supported he needed alliances, who were done through marriage. Unfortunately, Anastasia who was the tie with Poland died an unfortunate death, and during the fights he was captured, but happily for him by Matei Corvin, who accepted to support him, but only if he will marry a cousin of his.

That news broke my father's heart who wanted to get married with the only woman he loved: Katarina. Happily for his sanity, they remained lovers. Their relationship lasted 20 years... oh Chris, why?

Hello my dears! I thing that a better love story for Christmas doesn't exist! Love you!

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