Past, present, future

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On the other side of the window was pouring...showers of water were hitting the earth mercilessly creating heavy rivers on the dusty roads. Meanwhile in a dirty dungeon rivers of tears were rolling from a pair of beautiful pair of green eyes. From time to time the thunder was shaking the remains of the glass, alternating with the desperate screams of pain. The cold was present both inside and outside. Inside of the heavy rock walls, the temperature was chilling to the bone. The only source of warmth was represented by the burning torches, which gave small comfort when thinking that they could become a weapon of torture. A horse neighing became a deafening sound associated with the lightening. Suddenly, something warm streamed on her back, stopping at the base of her spine in the delicate material of her dark green dress. A new set of tears started cascading on her defined cheekbones and in a small voice she asked:

-De ce? (Why?)

-Stii prea bine de ce! Asa ca taci si suporta! (You know why!So shut up and take it!)

The swish of the whip was heard with an eco in the empty dungeons and the ripping of flesh was sickening. She felt the need to throw up, but she was too scared of his reaction so she swallowed back. The next leash was received with a pained scream. Her voice was scratchy and dry. The hits came, sometimes she was so numb she couldn't feel them. She forgot for how long was down there...her last memory was from the ball, where she was dancing with...

The memoirs were interupted by an intense feeling of pain.Now she understood that the warm liquid was her blood and her beloved dress, a present from her godmother, was compromised.

Her screams stopped the obscurity of the dungeon could be heard only his heavy breathing.Her back was burning with passion. She blinked away her tears and in the dimlit room she noticed a rat running. Her hands were sore from being tied to the ceiling. She heard his footsteps backing way...she started to pray that he wont let her there for the rest of the night.

Her entire body woke up and start shivering after a buckett of iced water was thrown at her. Without her voice, she gasped... but soon was released from her confines and fell on the muddy floor. A pair of brown leather boots came in her visual  field. The person crouched at her level and caressed her damp and wet hair and said:

-Sper ca ti-ai invatat lectia! (I hope you learned your lesson!)

The girl didn't answer, she just tried to cover her exposed chest and find a little bit of warmth around her. What lesson? She knew he was crazy, but this was truly insane...only if he knew...but no, this couldn't be...he didn't betrayed her...didn't he?

Zaleska was watching the scenery changing: the mountains have risen behind trees and forests, but the giants were hidden in dark and heavy clouds. This meant one of two: rain or snow. She hoped to be the last one, she loved the fluffy and white flakes and adored to ski. With vampirism came her favourite trait: she was imune to cold.

When she arrived in Brasov she was truly saddened: showers of rain were clouding the town. The city name on Tampa mountain was not visible because of grey clouds.Cars were in aglomeration in the main intersection of the historical city. She remained paralysed for a short time in the train station, then after sighing she went to rent a car shop nearby. She took a red  Audi TT, put her small travel bag in it and left for Bran...and her only thoughts during the roaming in the city was of a poem, about the city where it rains three times in a week:

In oraşu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână
Un bătrân şi o bătrână -
Două jucării stricate -
Merg ţinându-se de mână.

(Ion Minulescu)

She really hates rain and clouded weather!

A/N: Hello lovelies, sorry for the delayed update, I hope you will enjoy this chapter. Please notify me of grammar or spelling mistakes. ATTENTION: Emotional trigger! It's my first time writing such a scene and I hope I managed it!I am going to wait for your opinion!

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