e l e v e n

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A/N: Christina waking up in the basement is a dream. Just to avoid confusion at the end of the chapter :)

5:56 PM

Regina's POV

"What the hell are you doing here?" Eric asks through gritted teeth. He clenches his fist at his side before releasing it and exhaling an unnecessary amount of breath. The scent of it gravitates towards my nose, and I quickly fan at my face before I can catch a hit of it.

"I thought I made it clear that you're not welcome." I roll my eyes and twirl a lock of my blonde hair around my finger. "Oh please, Eric. Spare me. I'm not here for you. Your sister invited us. You remember Sarah, right?"

I step out of the way so he can get a better view of her. "Christina is seriously hanging out with you now?"

I nod. He looks back into the house before backing away and leaving the door ajar. "Let yourselves in. I'm going to kill that girl."

We watch as he runs up the steps, and I smirk and look over at Sarah.

"It's go time." I announce while stepping inside.


"So what exactly are we doing, Regina? Christina is going to get suspicious -" I glare at Sarah, which thankfully shuts her up. Christina had gotten up to use the bathroom, and I had stealthfully hid a bottle of water decorated to look like a Vodka bottle behind the couch.

"I'm back." Christina mutters as she walks into the room. She stumbles a bit on her way back to her original spot on the couch adjacent to me.

Sarah takes a sip from the bottle before passing it off to Christina. As Christina takes it, she studies it carefully.

"Is something wrong?" I say in an obnoxious tone. She looks up at me with a confused look on her face. "It's nothing, just that the birdies on this bottle are flying," she slurs. I smile at her as she takes a sip and passes off the bottle to me.

I stare at her before reaching behind the couch and flashing my bottle of "alcohol". "Hey," Christina says while pointing an accusing finger. "Isn't that -  isn't that another bottle of vodka? Wh - where did you get - get - get that?"

I smile as I take a sip from it. "It's magic, honey." I pass the bottle of alcohol over to Sarah, who widens her eyes at me.

"Shouldn't I take a sip from the water like you?" She whispers. I roll my eyes. "You have to play the part if you want to seem convincing." I whisper back.

"But -" I push the bottle closer towards her for emphasis, nearly getting it onto the couch. She sighs and grabs it before taking a harsh sip and squinting her eyes shut in response to the burn.

"I think I've had enough." Sarah gags and places a hand at her mouth in an attempt to keep the bile down. I pass the bottle over to Christina and lean over to whisper into Sarah's ear.

"Why don't we suggest a little game, then?" Sarah looks back at me and nods, her bloodshot eyes the only signifier that she's no longer sober.

I grin to myself. Things are going to get exciting around here.
6:45 PM

I watch as Christina struggles to maintain her balance at the edge of the pool. Never in my life did I think I'd be able to see this girl plastered, but now that I am finally seeing it with my own two eyes, I've managed to conclude that she is a hot mess.

"What's so - what's so exciting about a stupid pool?" Sarah slurs.

Sarah seems to be as fucked up as Christina, and is even forced to seek guidance from her drunken friend when she nearly falls over as well.

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