t w e n t y

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"I've never -" Mia interrupts herself with a burp, blowing the air in my direction before returning her spoon to her ice cream cup. The combined smells of vodka, vanilla, and chocolate invade my senses.

"I've never seen something so disgusting in my entire life. Until today, of course." She rubs at her temples and narrows her eyes in pain. "Shit. Brain freeze."

I silently dig into my strawberry ice cream before licking it off the spoon. I honestly couldn't agree with Mia more. Just thinking about this morning's events is enough to make my stomach churn.

And even before I locked the front door behind us, I could hear Mia's dad moaning out my name while f.ucking her mom.

To say this day has been wild is an understatement. It isn't even 10:00 AM in the morning and I've managed to see Mia's parents naked and have an unexplainable dream about Harry.

An awkward silence settles between us, the only sound of our spoons scraping against frozen dairy seeming to fill it. A small boy and a woman who I presume to be his mother open the front door, causing the bell to ring.

"So how are things?" I turn away from the front of the store and look at Mia in wonder. "What do you mean?" She rolls her eyes at my obliviousness and takes her sunglasses off of the top of her head to rest them on her nose.

"Things between you and that Harry guy. Or is it Zayn? I've kind of lost track at this point," she leans closer towards me, a devilish smirk on her face. "There is a rumor going around that you guys had a threesome. Is it true?"

I nearly choke on my spoon and widen my eyes in astonishment. "What the f.uck are you talking about, Mia? Where and when did you hear this shit?"

She swirls her spoon around her cup as she speaks. "Well, I heard about it a few times, actually. People talk about it at lunch, in the bathroom, in the hallways, and I even heard some people bring it up at my party last night."

I glare at her. "So you've been hearing this rumor for days, and you're just now telling me?"

She shrugs. "I wanted to clarify if they were true. I never really saw you guys interact before and I was curious."

"You could have just asked me."

She nods. "You're right, but I usually try to figure things out on my own so I'm not seemingly intrusive." She digs her phone out of her pocket before checking the time."Oh my God."

I raise an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Mia giddily jumps up and down in her seat, a goofy grin on her face. "The newest gossip. It's critical, and will probably blow your rumors right out of the water. In fact, it already has." She takes the sunglasses off her face to get a better look at her phone screen.

"This is f.ucking nuts." She whispers to herself.

"Mia, do you mind clueing me in? There are some people who'd enjoy being in the loop right now."

Mia looks up from her phone. "I don't think you're ready to hear this one."

"I'm pretty sure it's not that big of a deal -"

"Like, this is the gossip of the century. This is better than when Kim Kardashian made her sex tape with Ray J. This is the best thing since sliced bread."

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now