Hafsa's continuous pleading had angered Saaqib far more than any time before. She used to advise him a little here and there over small things, but that afternoon she had gone completely berserk with her religious views - according to Saaqib at least.
"You don't pray, you don't do charity, you don't fast! You don't even care to earn for yourself! Your store was going so well but then you stop opening it and spending the little money you have on gambling! Buying cigarettes! Saaqib, look at me. Do you know how grave your punishment will be for your purposeful ignorance? I've been telling you again and again to quit all these unnecessary bad jobs and focus on what's important. You used to do everything right. Tell me, what misguided you? Tell me, Saaqib, what made you turn away from the One who created you, who's always watching over you? Please - Saaqib, listen to me - you don't have to earn that extra money. If you want I'll help you at the store. I can manage it besides chores. Don't worry. I'll sell some of my belongings which I don't use anyways. I'll try to give you everything but please, Saaqib... Please leave these-these bad things you do now. Allah will reward you, Saaqib. He will. And-and everything will get back to the way it was, everything will be good again. You won't need extra money. You'll have it all. Just a little hard work and sincerity, put your trust in Him..."
"I'm going out," Saaqib informed, irritated of Hafsa's ranting. He just wanted to get away from her.
"It's eleven! Where are you going so late at night?" Hafsa ran after him to the main door.
"Somewhere you won't be." He pushed Hafsa back inside and closed the door, walking away just as soon.
Saaqib had lost track of time, he had no watch and hadn't asked his friend about it before departing. He walked down the street, whistling, trying to forget about the money lost in the bet he put on the movie. It must have been at least four hours since he had last seen Hafsa and he was dreading to see her again. She would probably be awake but he would just walk into the bedroom and lay down. He really needed sleep.
He had left the house key so he knocked on the green door. After about a minute or two he started banging. Had she miraculously fallen asleep? That would be a first. Frustration had started to build up in him. He was about to shout and break open the door when a child's voice called from his right.
"Saaqib bhai!" Saaqib recognised the kid to be from Maryam Khala's household. "Mami said to look out for you. Hafsa di is in our house. Follow me." He began rushing back.
Saaqib became confused. Why was Hafsa in Maryam Khala's place in the middle of the night? Had she confided in her about their married life, about him not caring for her? If she had...
Saaqib entered through the green door into Maryam Khala's house, similar to his. He was greeted with salam by two men around the same age as him walking out. "She's in the bedroom," the kid pointed.
Saaqib mentally readied himself to receive khala's scolding. He was in no mood to explain himself, not like he owed her any elaboration. He would say okay in understanding to whatever khala had to say to him, and then go back home with Hafsa and deal with her.
Saaqib stumbled into the small bedroom, alerted if any other person was there or not except for Hafsa and khala. Hafsa was sitting on the bed, hands wrapped around her bent knees, holding them to her chest, her head rested on them- Was that a bandage?
"What-what happened?" Saaqib stuttered. It was obvious that Hafsa had gotten hurt but as badly as to need a bandage?
"Assalamu Alaikum, beta. Sit down, take a seat," Maryam khala requested. Hafsa hadn't moved a bit. "There... was an incident in your absence. A few robbers broke into your house and stole all your money. Hafsa tried stopping them." Khala looked down at her hands. She wasn't done. "But-"
"They attempted to rape me, Saaqib." Saaqib's head shot towards Hafsa who had raised hers to look him in the eyes. There was no trace of emotion in hers, no feeling. "They attempted to rape me."

SpiritualHafsa kept on weeping and sobbing, Saaqib didn't understand why. It was he who got hurt, why was she crying?