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Hey guys I have all this week to update mostly because I'm on spring break so up dates on my two accounts will be coming

Yeah (don't hate the picture)Well my other account is garmaufan23I will update the story's on there as well, mostly one with almost 700 reads, The Side I Never Wanted To Go On will be updated so I hope you guess will be happy

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Yeah (don't hate the picture)
Well my other account is
I will update the story's on there as well, mostly one with almost 700 reads, The Side I Never Wanted To Go On will be updated so I hope you guess will be happy

Yeah (don't hate the picture)Well my other account is garmaufan23I will update the story's on there as well, mostly one with almost 700 reads, The Side I Never Wanted To Go On will be updated so I hope you guess will be happy

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