Chapter 2

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     Ok, so I've learned something about my people in these last few year that for some reason I was too oblivious to realize before.  Now question is, what is this amazing thing that I have finally fucking realized! And the answer to such a question would be.......THAT THEY ARE ALL FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!  Ok, so yea over dramatic, but I don't give a damn anymore. I mean jeez I tell my mother I'm going out to train so I may become a town customs and thus be recognized by all of those around me, so she smiles and says lightly over her shoulder for me to enjoy my time with Ahliânâ, which I don't understand why seeing as how she is part of the townships high guard of magik users. (aka she works with nature type stuff not blades and blunt object thus we never work together in anyway). Thus rather than questioning my mother I run on to practice do my thing and next thing I know I'm on my way back home with every one giving me looks and some guys giving me thumbs ups and trying for high fives or handshakes and saying congrats.  Thus leading to the worst part of my day, Ahliânâ slamming into my back kicking the back of my legs and slamming me into the ground before she starts screaming into my face. 

     "What the freak did you tell your mother!!!"

      Looking at her blankly she proceeds to roll her eyes and continues,  "ok then I'll tell you what you told your freaking mom. You told her that you were going out so you could have sex with me, thus she proceeded to tell the whole village that you were proposing to me and that we were making it official by creating her grand children!  Thus now I have all these people in the village thinking we have something going on and thus now Andrew, the one I've been after since we were tikes, now thinks I'm taken and now will never ask me out like I have been hoping for! Now tell me why on earth would you tell your mother such a disastrous thing!" Finally done yowling at me she stares down at my face panting and trying to swap strands of her own strawberry hair from her face.

      "Look Ahli, all I told my mom this morning was that I was going out to train."

     With a growl of frustration she jumps away from me and stalks off in another direction, leaving me flabbergasted. Thus towns stupidity is realized, and I now know they will believe whatever rumor they hear about someone, no matter how untrue it is.

     But now I see how stupid they are as they are looking at files of all the villagers who have left the village and are classified as missing and asking what has happened to them?  When we all know that those people left and died out in the forest, nothing missing about them.  Listening to them argue about it makes my hands move faster as I throw more things into my pack and makes me wonder if one day people will be sitting in the Dux's conference room like this and discussing the fact that I am one of the missing. With a sigh I throw in the last blanket, jacket, and last few food pack into my bag tighten its straps and throw it over my shoulder letting it tap against the blade hanging from my waist.  Standing I tap one boot clad foot on the floor then spin and bow to the Dux as politely I can and speak above the rumble of voices within the meeting room.  "I have something to say!". Everyone slowly quiets down and turns to look at me.

     "Speak young Customs.". the voice of the Dux rumbles out with age.

      "I wish to leave the village alone as many before me have done before.". compliant silence follows my voice, then slamming hands. 

     "You can do no such thing!". My mothers voice suddenly rings out.  The Dux turns to her his stare silencing her.

     "Why do you wish to leave?"

     "I must find the answer to that light...". my voice rings unsure as I stare at the floor from my bowed posture.  Raspy chuckling fills the room and the old man speaks again with a light tone. 

     "I have never stopped any before you, and I will not stop you now, though you are the youngest to ever ask, and the only one to be so polite and not ask for someone to accompany you.  So I will let you know I wish you would not leave, for you will surely die as others before you, but I will still give you my blessing as well as a gift.". stepping away from the others the Dux makes his way to me motions with wrinkled hands for me to stand tall and tells me to follow him which I do till we are outside in a dark part of the village.

     "Young Lehvi," he says with a sigh and bends down digging in the ground till he pulls out a cloth wrapped item which he proceeds to press into my hand. "this is an item which is passed down amongst those in my family.  This medallion is to be wrapped wound your neck and is to help you to see the world you are going into, help you see past the lies that may present themselves to you.  I believe that you are one of the few who may have a chance to survive in that world beyond our own, and I hope for your mothers sake that you will either change your mind, or come back to us safely.  Thus I shall ask you now to leave this village, make a clean break from all those around you and do not turn back."

     Stepping back I look at him surprised then quickly nod and run toward the brush near us as he turns his back and goes back to the people and quiet whatever question they may try to ask, and send comfort to my family.  One tear runs down my face and I wipe it away along with the brown of my hair that had fallen into my face.

     Once into the forbidden grounds surrounding my village I feel the darkness of it surround me and I quickly run forward further only to grow colder as the light of my home grows further and further away from me till I shiver and start rubbing at my arms till a sharp animalistic laughter surrounds me and I can see something slipping around in the darkness as a bolt of fear shoot up my spine.  Dear god I didn't even make it a mile away and I'm already going to die! Panicked I start I start to run deeper in till I trip and fall and a figure swoops over my head catching the fabric over my shoulder and tearing it to shreds with dark glistening claws and the sound of the laughter filling the air once more and followed by a low chattering sound as it turns back to me and swoops again, the talons reaching for me as I stare in horror and the world turns black leaving the last sound I hear to be that chattering, laughing, ruffling of feathers, and a scream.

AU:  Ok so next chapter! Tell me your thoughts tell me all the errors you see, what's crap what's not.  I need to know if I should just stop now or continue on!  Thus comments are welcome. (plus always looking for more characters to add in)

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