Crumbling Empire

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Fuck,I don't want to do this

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Fuck,I don't want to do this." Phillip growls as he Runs his free hand through his hair.
I felt whatever my best friend was about to tell me was going to change my whole world. But I was stronger now. If I could get past the last 2 years than I can make it through anything. No,fuck that. I'll Bull doze through that bitch and still look like I walked off the red carpet.

After giving my inner self a pep talk I look at Phillip and say "Really Phillip I'm good. If I could make it through this last 2 years and everything Bryce put me through I'm sure this won't even bother me."
"Your right babe. Your a rock. I keep forgetting how much you've changed."
"Thanks, now go on before Blaise gets bored building his mac n cheese race track."
"OK. Well apparently 2 weeks ago Char and Bryce got engaged. They are shooting to be married in a month."
Wow, it felt like a rock had hit me square in the abdomen. But I knew it was a possibility they'd get married. I never allowed Phillip to tell me anything about them. I truly didn't want to know. I just wanted to go on with my life. It hurt yes, but I'm going to keep on trucking living my life. Kudos to them. Raising my water glass I say "Well, cheers to them. Was that all?"
"No. They're getting married in 30 days because she's pregnant. But that's not the worst part, babe. Bryce came to the office to see me today. He asked if I knew where he could find you."
"And? What did you tell him? And why is he asking about me?" Panic settling in. What If he knows about Blaise. Oh my God. I'm gonna have to leave. No. I said I would deal with Bryce when the time came and I will. He probably won't want anything to do with Blaise. Char is having his baby.
"Calm down Babe. I told him to fuck off. I told him I wouldn't tell him where you were even if I did know. But that I didn't."
"So do you think he believed you? Why would he want to know about me unless he knows about Blaise. Oh God, do you think he knows about Blaise?
"No, he doesn't know about Blaise. I don't see him holding that back especially if he thought I was lying. Which he knew I was by the way. I asked him why he wanted to see you since you two obviously are divorced. That's when he smirked and said you weren't divorced. Apparently his lawyer didn't send in some required paperwork and blah blah blah, so your divorce was never finalized. Your still married to Bryce."
"NO way, Your fucking lying Phillip. This is one of your sick jokes right? Please tell me your lying!"
"I wish I was Tay. Apparently he just found out. He went to get a marriage license to marry Char and that's when they told him you two were still married."
"Oh my God. This can't be happening. What am I gonna do Phillip?"
Releasing Phillips hand I run my fingers through my hair pulling it at the ends.
"Oh my God"
"It's ok. I've been thinking. We'll just get a hold of him and I'll get the new divorce papers. I'll bring them to you and viola you don't have to meet. He'll never know about Blaise and it'll all be over in 30 more days. You won't have to come to court because you aren't wanting anything. Right, you don't want anything do you?"
"No, I still don't want or need anything from Bryce East. Do you think that will work? It's seems so simple. Too simple."
"Yes. Well, unless he has you investigated to find you and then finds out about Blaise. But I was thinking about our plan. We can still say he's mine. He looks like you and we both have blonde hair so no one should dispute it. I mean other than his brown eyes. But we can say your ancestors or some shit had brown eyes. And his tan could be because he plays outside a lot.  They did accuse us of sleeping together. So its all believable. No one has said otherwise so we can just continue to let them believe we made hot monkey love and boom out comes Blaise. I've even thought I could sign his birth certificate claiming him. You know I love him more than anything in the world and I'd love to be that amazing boys father. What do you think Tay?
With tears streaming down my face I say "You'd do that for us? What about Shelly? What would she think about all this?"
"I don't know exactly I haven't talked to her . I just came up with it before you got here. I'm sure she'd be OK with it. She loves Blaise too. And yes Tay, I would.I love both of you. Blaise needs a father and I've basically been the only one around. I want to."
"You don't think I should tell Bryce about Blaise? Do you think he'd want to be in his life? I don't know. Your right, Blaise deserves a father and you'd be an amazing father to him. What do you think?

"The Bryce I knew before you would be an amazing father to Blaise. If he was that guy I'd make you tell him. Hell, I'd of told him myself when Blaise was born. But he's not that guy anymore Tay. I don't know this Bryce. He's cold and full of hate. He's a drunk. he came to me early this morning and I could smell the stench on him. He's relentlessly  made every  attempt possible to take down my business and my personal life. He's made my life hell this last 2 years and I'm scared he'll do the same to you Tay. I'm scared he will take his anger out on you. And mabey even Blaise. Hell I don't know. He's not the Blaise we once knew. This guy's a cold-hearted bastard. I don't know why Char stays. He openly sleeps with random women and treats her like dirt."
"Okay. I don't want to know anymore. I guess the only option I have is to not tell him. I can't put Blaise through that. Do you think he'll hate me when he gets older and finds out that I lied to him?"
"I don't know why he would Tay. I promise that little boy will and is my son in every way. He won't need to know and if he does find out I doubt he'll be angry. He'll have the best childhood I promise."
"I know you'll be a good father to him Phillip. That's why I know this is the right thing to do. Thank you."
"No need babe, I fell in love with you years ago and I know why you couldn't reciprocate it. You've always loved Bryce. That's OK, because my love turned into something better. There's no way in hell I'd give up what we have now for anything. I know it was never a romantic type love I had for you. I just thought it was. I found out what true love was when I met that little boy hours after you brought him in this world and when I met my shell. Now let's get out of here I have a date to make hot monkey love with my girl. Who knows Blaise could have a brother or sister soon. I'll take you home. Then I'll call the devil and set up a meeting to get those divorce papers. Everything's gonna be just fine Tay."
Thinking about everything we had just talked about had a sour feeling settled in my stomach. I'm glad Phillip was so optimistic. I wasn't so sure. It just didn't settle well. And if Bryce was the cold-hearted bastard Phillip had described and it doesn't go as planned.. God Help Us.

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