What's Best for us

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"Morning hon!" Natsu greeted as he got out of his room.

"Morning Natsu! Did you get a good sleep?" She asked as she got her things ready for work.

"Sure did! Of course knowing you were in the room right next to mine." He said slyly. She giggled at his lame attempt at being smooth.

"Hey, what do you say about going this Saturday to this awesome restaurant I found a few days ago?" Natsu asked his girlfriend.

"Sorry Natsu but I have a meeting that day."

"Okay well how about. Next Saturday?"

"I'm going on a business trip remember?"

"How about this Thursday?"

"Reunion at the main office."


"Bosses birthday."

"This month???"

"I'll have to check my agenda."

"Come on, can't you have at least One day for me?" Natsu pleaded.

"Well, I'm coming home early tonight so we can have dinner together." She walked over to him hanging her arms over his shoulders.

"Promise?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Promise." She looked into his eyes, gave him a quick peck on the lips and got her work case. "Good luck at your work! See you later Natsu!" She called from the door.

"Yeah, see you later Lisanna!"


"Morning Guildarts!" Natsu said as he entered his work place 'Fairy's Tune'

"That's Mr. Clive to you! Have a bit more respect for your boss!"

"Sure~." Natsu walked in and headed to his locker.

"Good morning Natsu!"

"Morning Juvia!" He looked to the back and saw a certain blond in the back stacking CD albums.

"Morning Luce!" He greeted. And she responded with a smile and a wave of her hand. The he turned to look at, well..

"Squinty eyes."

"What'd you call me fire breath?!" Gray shouted making his forehead a smash against Natsu's.

"What'd you call me fire breath?!" Gray shouted making his forehead a smash against Natsu's

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"You heard me popsicle brain!"

"If you guys break any CDs your buying it!" Shouted Guildarts.

"Come on guys, you heard the man." Lucy said with her arms crossed. "Natsu, you've gotta help me stack the new releases."

"And Gray-sana has to help Juvia at the crash register!" She said while clapping her hands and jumping up and down at the thought of her being with her 'Gray-sama'.

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