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The music was loud and booming as they danced.

"Hey Levy-Chan!" Lucy called as she tried to catch the attention of her best friend who was next to her.

"Yeah?!" She responded lending her an ear.

"I'm still not sure I should be here you know?! I don't even know the birthday guy that well!"

"Don't worry Lu-Chan! Remember I told you it's my boyfriend Gajeel's Birthday! You know him right!" They kept dancing as the song changed.

"Yeah but I don't know anyone else apart from him and you!" Lucy looked around only to confirm that everyone she saw were complete strangers.

"Just relax and have fun!!" Levy emphasized by taking her hands and encouraging her to dance.

This only made the blond roll her eyes playfully and giggle at her best friends enthusiasm. But after a few moments, the birthday boy came by them.

"Mind if I steal her away for a while?!" He spoke/shouted. Levy was about to say that she didn't want to leave her friend alone but Lucy stopped her before she could.

"No problem! Take your time!" Lucy smiled at the tall and muscular guy and waved them away playfully. All the while, Levy had thankful yet apologetic eyes witch Lucy only responded with a wink.

After they walked away, Lucy was awkwardly dancing her way to the bar table and took a seat.

"Can I get ya anything?!" The waiter asked over the loud sound buffer.

"I'll just have some water, thanks!" After a few moments, the waiter came back with a tall glass of water.

"Someone's taking care of herself." A guy said taking a seat next to her. Lucy was on the middle of drinking and tried to finish to ask.

"I'm sorry what did you say?!" He leaned a bit closer to respond.

"I said, someone's trying to take care of herself!" Lucy chuckled slightly.

"I just don't like to drink alcohol is all!" She responded with a smile.

"Hey, want to head out side to talk!" He asked.

"What??!" Lucy asked as she nodded her head to the beat of the music.

"Do you want to head out side to talk?!!" Lucy laughed a bit because now he was to close to her ear making her flinch back slightly.

He laughed too and Lucy just nodded a yes and they both started trying to get out of the huge house filled with people.

"Try not to get lost!" He shouted.

"That's going to be a little hard with so many people here!!" She responded. They kept bumping into people and tried to squeeze their way out.

"Here! Take my hand!" He stretched out his hand towards her.

"What??!" She looked at him confused.

"I said-" He didn't finish his sentence and just took her hand, making her get out of the way from a couple that was about to crash into her.

Lucy was a little taken aback but soon they were in the back yard and he closed the door behind him.

"Thanks for-! Oh, sorry, forgot not to shout anymore. Thanks for helping me out back there." Lucy said with a kind smile.

"No prob! I'm Natsu." He stretched out his hand to her and she took it.

"Lucy Heartfilia."

"Wait. You mean, that Heartfilia??" He asked taking a step back from shock.

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