Twisted Night

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What are you waiting for? Walk inside.

But why do I have to do this? You know I don't like to..

Like I care! Go inside, just remember to keep your mask on got it??

Lucy sighed and walked into the ball room witch was filled with people in fancy dresses.

She looked around trying to find what the other voice in her head was looking for.

Then she spotted a guy with jet black hair that could go all the way to his waist if it wasn't tied up.

No, he's to large, he could easily over power you, look for someone else.

What about that one with orange hair?

Walk over to him.

Lucy did as she was told and walked over to the man.

"Hello young man." She said in a sweet voice.

"Well hello there young lady." He took her hand and kissed it. "Would you care for a dance?" Lucy bowed and lifted her ball gown so that he could lead her to the dance floor.

His movement always lead her to stay very and uncomfortably close to him.

No, not this one. He would be to easy a pray. Wait until you switch partners to get away from him.

A-Alright. But why do I have to keep doing this? Weren't...weren't my parents enough?

Shut up and listen to me! They're already looking for you anyway so you can't complain now! So pay attention, you about to switch.


And taking a last step she twirled to another man with short black hair.

"Hello miss." He greeted with a smile. His movements were stiff.

"Hello" He looked into her eyes but she could tell that there was someone watching her as she danced with him.

No. This one feels to cold, and already has a partner. Find another one! I'm getting impatient!


But as Lucy took the last step to turn to her next partner, she accidentally stepped on her dress and was about to fall.

You idiot!

Luckly, she was caught by her next partner.

"It seems as though you have fallen for me." He said as he helped her up. He held her hand firmly and continued the dance. Lucy on the other hand was blushing madly.

 Lucy on the other hand was blushing madly

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Yes. He is perfect.

Lucy suddenly felt bad for the pink haired man in front of her.

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