Chapter 3

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As I finished eating dessert my mom called out "Austin, Taylor do you guys want to go to the park" Obviously we both said yes since we LOVE the park close to our house. It has so many stuff to play with and its always full of children around our age to play with! I ran upstairs to get my jacket and my boots. I also heard some foot steps coming my way I guessed it was Austin doing the same thing too. "I'm ready" I shouted approaching my mom. When we were all ready we walked to the park since it wasn't that far and we didn't need to cross the street at all. As we got there we could here a lot of screaming from kids playing. My mom directly sat on the bench with her phone as Austin and I ran to different groups of people. "Hi" I said to some random girl that seemed interesting. I am quite shy so it's a hard task for me and o make new friends. "Hello" she replied As I opened my mouth to speak no words came out I guess she noticed and continued " Do you want to be friends?"
"Yea sure"
"Your pretty"
Well that was something that made me really happy. Since I'm not mean I replied with" Thx you too. What's your name?

Kitty's POV
Taylor seemed pretty nice even though we just met. It felt like we were going to be good friends. "Well what do you want to play " we both said at the same time "Jinx" we whisper shouted at the same time again causing us to laugh. "We could go to the swings" Taylor suggested so I went with that idea. We swung back and fourth for like two seconds of silence until I broke it. "What are your hobbies" I asked her " I love singing" She responded " What are yours?" So I told her that I love gymnastics and I am in level 4 which made her pretty surprised. "Oooooo. Do one of those cool tricks gymnasts do" she laughed. I joined her laugh and told her to follow me to the grass area. I then decided to do a round off back handsprint to show her. She clapped her hands together and put a huge smile on her face.

Taylor's POV
Kitty was a really nice friend and she was so friendly to me. "Your turn" she said " I can't do that" sounded to shocked. "Not that silly, your hobby , singing" now it made much more sense. As I opened my mouth to sing her something I saw a really cute boy walk behind Kitty. I couldn't do anything but be hypnotized like I am right now. "Hello" she waved her hands in front of my face which made me jump "Ahhh" I screamed which made her laugh so hard. "Ok"I sighted and started singing rolling in the deep by Adele. " Your good at singing" she complemented "Duh" I sarcastically said and we both started laughing. Well soon enough it was time to go home. We also decided to meet next weekend same time same place. "Bye" I waved. She waved back and I ran to my mom as Kitty started getting smaller and smaller.

A/N: I know I'm not that good at old stuff so if I talk about something that that didn't exist back then it's not my fault. Also sorry for any errors I didn't come back to re-read this. Pls vote for the next chapter. Pls comment if you want any romance in this story too. I know she's just 12 but just some little romance!

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