Another Author's Note

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I still really do not like doing author's notes, but I've kind of made them a tradition now, so might as well just keep them going.

This is just one of those moments where I have to stop and take a deep breath. Well, actually, every time I start or finish a story I have to do that. But, if I can just play some classic 90s hip-hop hits in the background whilst remembering every reason that I wanted to write and share this new story, then there's about an 87% chance that I'll make it through. Hopefully.

So, this new story (as I've mentioned a few times before) is COMPLETELY different than any other story I've written and posted to the wonderful world of wattpad. It's about... 40% comedy, 38% action/adventure, and the rest of the percentage (because I actually haven't taken a math class in about nine months now... or is my nine month calculation even correct?) is a little something else. However, I'm not giving that much away! You'll have to read the story to figure that part out for yourself. It'll be pretty easy to figure out within the first three chapters or so, anyway. Also, there's not a whole lot of suspense/thriller elements to this story, as my last two wattpad stories contained, so sorry about that if that's more of your thing. I'll tell you, though, pretty much every story I've ever written has held its own thrilling scenes and moments, so I don't think this one will stray far from the pack. I guess I'm just that kind of author, or something.

The title of the book is also pretty... important, I think. I hope that's the right word to use, haha. Anyway, I called it Cartoon (if anyone didn't already guess from the title on the screen above... or wherever it may be located on the screen; wattpad changes all the time) and the passage from the book that goes with the title is in the story description. Actually, it's the whole story description. Don't ask me why I picked that title or wrote that passage the way I did, though, because I'm not actually sure why I did. It's just one of those things that just kind of happened.

Well, I'm not sure what else to say about Cartoon, other than what it's actually about, and I'm not even sure I want to give that away. I guess I can say, though, if you like James Bond, then this is a good read for you. And, if 007's not exactly your thing, either, then it'll still be okay for you to read, because it's not 007. I feel like that statement sounds really contradicting, but you can trust me on it. Just ignore my descriptions so far if they sound too weird or uninteresting to you; the story is just its own kind of story and it can be hard for me to explain, I think.

Also, as far as how frequent Cartoon's updates will be, it's going to be a lot less planned than I've done with other stories. I'll still probably post on Sundays, but I'm not sure if it'll be every other Sunday or not. Each chapter of Cartoon is a lot longer than the ones of my previous works, so that makes it harder to keep up with in terms of posting. I'll try my best to update often, but if you want to know when each chapter will be posted, then you'll just have to check my status updates every few days or so. I promise I'll post those kinds of updates frequently, though!

Okay, now I think I've covered everything that I wanted to cover. And, speaking of covers, I hope everyone likes the story cover! I made it myself and it really took just about forever, but I really like the way it turned out and I hope it helps attract readers. And, as I've done with stories in the past, if you ever have interest in sending me book artwork or anything of the sort, just message me and let me know!

Lastly, before I wrap this up and post the first update of Cartoon, I just want to give a big thank you to everyone who's read my stories before and/or everyone who plans to read this story. You guys are the reason that I keep writing every day and why I strive to post my stories to wattpad. I'm genuinely super thankful that people actually read my work and give me votes and comments and all kinds of feedback; it just feels great to see that support growing with each story I post! Especially since I've been on wattpad for... 5 whole years now (again, who knows about those math skills...), and I've basically grown up here, or at least in terms of writing. It seems like each story I've posted has been written more maturely than the last, and it shows with the number of votes that gets progressively higher with each one. That just makes me dizzy sometimes, when I think about it, honestly. Don't worry, though, that's a good thing! Again, thank you, everyone, for making me dizzy... And really, thank you so, so, so much, in general! <3

And... that's it.

Now... Cartoon: chapter one, let's do this.

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