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Chapter one
"Hey little one"
April 6, 1998 5:30pm

It was a rainy day in London, silent I may also add other than the children playing outside. I was locked up in my study thinking of what to write, I loved to write it kept me going, I wrote about anything really...it could be how my day went to just random thoughts of mine. Today that's just what I did, I wrote down some thoughts that came to mind, I looked out the window seeing my favorite little teen who was playing in the rain along with the kids outside...Louis.

He was a little ball of sunshine and a very outgoing person, he was also a big kid..he refused to grow up. We have little talks sometimes when he's outside and I'm feeling a bit lonely and we would talk about anything and everything. Ranging from how our day was to what's to come in the future for each other.

From my time knowing the boy I've grown very fond of him, I've always liked the way he would talk about what he wants to be when he grows up, how he explains things, how he's so engaged in what he does, it's all so...loveable.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door, I got up and made my way to the door to see who was there, and to my surprise it was Louis. He was soaking wet in a pink rain coat and pink rain boots, that's another thing he loved girly or feminine clothes which made him more adorable than he already was.

" ah Louis, hey little one what brings you here? " " hi mr. Harry I just came to visit, I let mummy know so she wouldn't get worried " he said as I let him in " so how've you been Louis? Would you care for some tea? " " I've been good, and yes I would like some sir " he replied I offered for him to sit in the kitchen because I didn't want him messing up my good furniture. Once the tea was finished I put his tea in his favorite cup that I bought him for his birthday a while back, it was pink with a butterfly on it.

" so Louis how have things been going at school, kids still giving you a rough time? " " no sir " kids always gave Louis a hard time because of the way he dressed and how feminine he was. There were some days his mom wasn't home and he came to my house for comfort, what kind of people would hurt a tiny yet adorable human being? I can't think of reason why they would do it but it's just plain wrong.

" so how was your day mr. Harry " " quite lonely, I've been alone all day " " well..I'm here now, is it okay if I spend the night mummy won't mind since I've done it before " Louis has spent the night over my house before and we've had some fun times together watching Disney princess movies, drawing, and baking. I always slept on the couch while I gave him my room, but in the middle of the night he would always sneak to the living room to sleep with me on the couch I just didn't let him know I was awake.

" of course, we can watch out favorite movie " " lilo and stitch!? " " right you are " Lilo and stitch was our favorite movie because it talked about staying together forever and never leaving anyone behind. " I'll be right back then I need to pack some stuff " " okay I'll be waiting " I chuckled and I thought to myself how lucky am I to have a adorable boy like this? and went to get some fresh sheets ready for when he returns.

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