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I rung the doorbell and waited. The door opened and Purity stood their looking pitiful. Her face brightened when she saw me. "CRYSSIE!!!" She hugged me as tight as possible. I smiled and took in the love. She finally pulled away after a few minutes.

"What are you doing here?" I walked in and we sat on the couch. "Mommy and Daddy told me about the baby." She sighed. "Eh..." "What's wrong?" "Well..."

I was under the impression that when I came here almost three years ago that i would be the last addition. Mommy told me that she was gonna devote these last few years of me being home to me and me only. I could tolerate Royal, Jaylen and KiLae, but another child?? I can't ."

"Well," I started. "P, you gotta understand that none of this was planned. Yeah, mommy wanted to make time for just you, but they never expected to have all these other kids. I was in your spot when you came and moved in with us. I was about to go off to college and I needed them most but their main focus was moving you in and getting you settled. You just gotta ride it out and realize that they're not doing this on purpose. It's just something we all have to get through."

"I feel like they won't be here when it's time for me to go to college and all that jazz, though." She said. She shed a tear. "It's gonna be like it was with my father and his family. I know it."

I hugged her. "Purity, we are nothing like your dad and his family. We support 110% and no matter how rough it gets or how many kids they have, you are always gonna be a priority to us."

She looked at me. "Thank you, Cryssie." I smiled. "No need. That's what big sisters are for."

(Completed) Right There •Trilogy to Right By My Side•Where stories live. Discover now