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Ok so as we have Easter holidays over here in Britain, it gives me time to sit back and relax, and during this time I like to look back on how the school year has treated me.

Now I don't hate going to school, in fact I kind of enjoy it, lessons aren't to bad, I have friends to talk too, and no real bullying, so I guess you can say that I have it easy at school.... I really don't. As exams are coming up we have to really try our hardest in these next few weeks, but how the fuck am I meant to do it when people won't shut their fucking mouths. Look I have nothing against talking in class, I do it myself, but when the teacher is trying to teach us something that is vital to our exams, I don't appreciate it when people sit at the back of the class talking about how many dicks they've sucked, how about you talk about that after the teacher has finished talking so we can learn the shit that we need too, y'know the whole reason we go to school in the first place.

Also while I'm on the topic of school I need to ask a question, why are the dick heads more popular? Popularity is a big thing in school (for some reason) and it seems that the dumber you are or the more of a prick you are means the more popular you are. This doesn't apply to everyone, in fact I have some friends who are in the popular group and they're actually pretty nice, but the extremely popular people are the type of people who don't give a shit about their future, people who would much rather drink their life away at this age! Then actually sit down and get a fucking education.

A lot of these popular people are also massive dickheads to girls, now I'm not talking about calling them a bitch or whore or something, I'm talking bout slapping their ass or groping (dunno if spelt right) them, I saw one the over day ask if she could suck him off, then slapped her when she refused, and like I said I'm talking about the extremely popular people. As I said this doesn't apply to everyone but this is just what I've seen in school, so I guess you could call it stereotyping but these issues need to be addressed by someone and I don't care that I'm the person who has to do it.

Oh god I just realised how angry I got writing that😅

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