Elite Haxors

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There are these 2 kids in my class, for privacy reasons we will call them Jimmy and Timmy, and they are the definition of pains in the ass. Jimmy is a small 14 year old (oldest in our year) boy with short brown hair, he's homophobic racist annoying and just every bad trait a person could have, and Timmy is about the same size short blonde hair and slightly less annoying. These 2 kids act like they're the shit but not in the 'oh we're popular' way I'm talking about the 'oh you won't do shit to us' way, and the way they attempt to do this is through: one, hiding behind the teacher always telling when you say one bad thing to him after he's been chatting away about how they're better than you and two, threatening to hack people if they insult them. Now one of these doesn't work as well as the other and that one is...... Number two because people know they can't do shit.

Now I've introduced these two I'm gonna tell you a fun little story that happened to one of my friends.

So it was Thursday and we were in maths class, we had a substitute teacher so naturally no one did any work, so it was me and my friends, Hit,Layton and Ben. So we're sitting there talking about league, anime and shit that weeaboos talk about and all of a sudden we hear a shrill high pitch voice
"Look it's the 3 stooges" we turn around and see its Jimmy making that awful noise, naturally we laugh is there are 4 of us and not 3 and carry on talking. About 10 mins later were still laughing at what he said (because we're just dumb like that) when all of a sudden he speaks again "if you don't shut up I'll Ddos you and destroy your internet" at this point were in tears because it was the dumbest thing we'd ever heard.

Later that day my friend Layton receives a Skype message from our good ol friend Jimmy saying that he had his IP address and that Layton's Internet was going down in 10 mins, ignoring this we started a game of league and halfway through Layton had disconnected from the Skype call and from our game. At this point we got afraid if we would be hacked as well, so we message Timmy (Jimmy's friend) and ask if he hacked Layton's Internet he said that he did and that he'll hack ours soon. Worried we await our internets destruction  when all of a sudden Layton joins the call again and explains that he didn't get hacked his mum had just accidentally knocked the Internet called out. We then call tweedle dumb and tweedle dee out on there bullshit and they act surprised that we no longer thought it was them, anyway they kept on insisting it was them until we just left them alone. Too this day they always bring it up and say that they're gonna do it again, but we just laugh it off as too hacker wannabes who just want attention.

I don't really do stories that much so if you liked this and you want more than just leave a comment saying so.😀

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this bye.😘😅

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