Chapter 2

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Travis pov:

The last couple of days I had to help aphmau at the island. So I didn't get to see katelyn for a while. "Hey Travis can you hand me that."aphmau said as she pointed to small box. "Yeah."I
Picked up the box and gave it to her. "Travis are you okay you've been acting weird lately. Like your depressed or something."she said "huh oh umm I just mis someone back at home."I said she nodded and walked away. I sighed and stared at the ocean.

Katelyns pov:

Aphmau and Travis weren't here so I was really bored. There my only friends here. I was sitting in the treehouse I lived there with the other guards.  "Garroth do you need anything I'm bored."I whined. He sighed "you want to hang with aphmau and Travis don't you?"he asked "yes..."I said "come with me."he said I grabbed my crutches and followed him to a portal. "This will take you to them."he said "ooo okay cya!"I said as I jumped in. Once I got there I fell I got up and saw Travis sitting alone. I felt bad I don't know why I cared but I walked over to him. "Umm hey Travis!"I said with a smile. He jumped up and saw me his face was lit up like a kid getting a puppy. "Hey!"he said he hugged me I hugged back. "How did you get here?"he asked "portal.."I said "ohh okay"he said " I can't stay for long but I can for now. Where's aphmau?"I asked "she's over at the camp site."he said "cool thanks!"I said as I stared to walk away with my crutches. Travis grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him I dropped my crutches so I couldn't move. "Um t-Travis.."I said as I blushed he twirled me to face him. "You are so cute like a little bunny."he smirked "your so lucky I can't move or you would be in the ocean."I snapped blushing. "Your to cute even when flustered."he said. I just blushed and pushed him away. "Whatever!"I said picking up my crutches. I walked over to aphmau slowly as I had to use my crutches. I got half way there and felt as I was being picked up. Travis."won't it be faster if I just carried you?"he said with a smirk. "Travis your such a pervert but since I tired as hell fine."I said with a light blush spreading across my face. He smiled and Took me over to aphmau. He put me down in front of aphmau. "Hey aph!"I said Travis walked away going back to his do his work. "Katelyn are you and Travis dating!?"aphmau asked with a bit of a squeal "what!? No we're just friends!"I shouted "hehe sure you are anyway when I get back I was hoping to have a sleepover. We've been so busy here and us girls need to chat. You coming?"she asked "sure."I said. "Awesome were going back tomorrow night."aphmau said. "Okay well I'm going to head back home cya!"i said as I used my crutches to get back to the portal. I was about to step in when I felt something grabbed my hand and pulled me back. Travis. "What your leaving already!?"he pouted. "Travis you guys are coming back tomorrow you'll live."I said escaping his grasp. "Katelyn stay please!"Travis whined "I can't I didn't bring A sleeping bag or anything."I said. He smirked "well you can share with me."he said grinning. "What!? No! Your such a pervert!"I yelled. "Please!"he whined "no!"I yelled "come on please! You suck!"He whined "if I say yes and you don't do anything to me then fine!"I said "yay!!"he yelled with excitement. "I can't really help out until my leg is. Better."I said "just as long as your here your already a great help."Travis said with smirk "Casanova...."I muttered  "Hey!"he yelled I laughed. I walke back to their campsite and sat down by a fire. The night fell and everyone was asleep I was awake stare gazing. I felt two arms snake around my neck and hugged me. "You little!"I said as I remove his hands from my waist. "It's late you should gets some sleep."Travis said yawning "mm
Yeah your right."I said I laid down as Travis lied next to me. (This dose not get dirty I'm not a lemon writer!😂) thank god he did not touch me or I would probably punch him to Alaska. I think I'm in love...


What's up my fam! Any way the next chapter will be about katelyn and her flashbacks with Travis...yeah I'm not spoiling anymore 😂😂 thank you guys and cya  -jade❤️

So this is love... {a travlyn story Travis X Katelyn} [book one] <completed> Where stories live. Discover now