Chapter 15

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Charlie walked into the room they were keeping Brian in. "You are going to pay for this Charlie. Olivia has plans for you and if you do anything to me, she will make it even worse on you." Charlie laughed. "Do you really think Olivia cares about you at all? The only one Olivia cares about is herself. She is just using you. Well she was using you. You aren't going to survive today. You are nothing more then a message now."

Brian's eyes went wide. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" Brian desperately yelled. It only made Charlie more eager to get started. "Oh good! you are a screamer." Charlie laughed. "Get him ready for the Judas Cradle." The men untied Brian from the chair he was in. They tied a rope to each of his wrist and then the other end of the rope was tied to the ceiling. They pulled until his feet could no longer touch the floor. "What is happening? What are you going to do to me?"

The one man spoke. "You aren't getting out of this. The best you can do is pray it ends quickly." He laughed and then walked over to help pulled the Cradle into place. Brians eyes widen and his pants darkened as they pulled over a wooden beam on four legs. "Get his clothes off of him." One man cut off all of his clothes. Leaving him naked. The beam was in the shape of a pyramid and the top of the pyramid was metal and sharp as a knife. The beam was placed between Brians legs.

The men turned to Charlie. "How much weight would you like to start off with?" Charlie walked over to the shelf that was holding round weights. She picked one up and handed it to the man. "We will start off small." A chain was placed on his ankles and then he was lowered down into the beam. Brian yelled out in pain as the medal cut into his skin. He tried to move but all that did was put more pressure on the beam.

He fell a little to the side and the beam was now between his penis and his right leg. A small line of blood began to appear on his legs. "Looks like we will have a bleeder here boys. I don't even have any weights on yet." Charlie smiled and bent down placing a 5 pound weight on the chain. Brian once again yelled as the weight on his legs made the beam cut deeper. "Man up! That's only 5 pounds." Charlie took pleasure in his pain.

"You haven't even seen the worst I can do." Charlie started to punch Brian in the ribs. She didn't stop until she saw bruises on all of his ribs. "Give him some water." Charlie ordered. "One man stepped up and poured water into Brian's mouth. He chocked on the fluid as it went down. "How about some more weight." They added 5 more pounds. This continued every 15 minutes. When they made it to 50 lbs they heard something crack.

Brains screams didn't stop this time. "Nice! I believe we have hit bone men. But it will take a lot more weight to rip through that leg. Lets find out how much more weight." Charlie began to add more weight by 10 pounds at a time. They continued to hear muscles beinging torn, tendons snapping and the bone giving way to the weight. Brian's screams came to an end because the weight was pulling to the point where he was having trouble getting air.

"Well Brian, I am impressed with how strong your bones are. I have never seen anyone have this much weight on them without their leg ripping off. I bet you wish you didn't drink so much milk now." Charlie and the men laughed. "You're right about that boss." One of the men agreed. "Well I don't want him to suffocate. That is too nice of a death for you. Hand me the pear of anguish."

All 3 of the men's eyes went wide at her request. She was handed a pear shaped object that was divided into spoon-like segments that could be operated by turning a screw. Brian was to weak to fight her as Charlie inserted the device into his mouth. "Take off a few of the weights. I want him fully aware of what is happening." When some of the weights were taken off and Brians body raise just a little, he began to breath more evenly.

Soon he was awake and trying to scream. "Save your energy. You will need it." The blood flowed more freely from his leg now. "Lets end this quick before he bleeds out." Charlie began to turn the screw and the pear began to expand. Brians lower jaw was beginning to be separated from the rest of his face. He screamed as much as he could as his cheeks began to split in two. Blood was now coming from his face.

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