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Vic cooked dinner for all of us. "Gabe just changed. Like he wouldn't even let me see you! We're both bottoms. Like Gabe, honey, stop," Kellin said as Vic served us.

"It sucked. Remember when I snuck out and he got pissed." We both started laughing. "He's such an ass."

"He is. Why did you date him?"

"Because he was the only person I could find. I used to love him," I answered. Kellin nodded and Vic kissed his cheek.

"Hopefully you won't do that to me," Vic mumbled.

"Never. We're getting married. Why would I?"

"You're getting married," I asked. Kellin nodded and showed me his ring. "Damn. Expensive."

"He's worth it," Vic said. I felt Mike's hand on my thigh. He moved it up, going under my skirt. I felt him squeeze my thigh and go higher. I sucked in a breath and out my hand over his, stopping him.

I leaned over. "Not now, darling. Later," I whispered in his ear, knowing Kellin was reading my lips.

I kissed his cheek and rubbed his back. He pouted and ate some of his burrito. I giggled and Kellin looked at me. I smiled and we all ate. We went upstairs. He moved my hair and unzipped my dress.

"Thanks," I whispered. He kissed my shoulder and I felt his hands on my hips. "Mike," I gasped.

"Mine," he said, "All mine."

"Mhm," I hummed. I felt him grab my ass. I moaned and he looked at me in the mirror. "Fuck."

I turned and took his shirt off. He smirked and I rubbed his chest. "What's my name?" He pulled my hair, kissing my neck at the same time.

"Daddy," I moaned. He slipped the dress off and I jumped. He caught me and I wrapped my limbs around him.

He pushed me against the wall and I blushed. "Be mine?"

"I thought we already established this."

"I like to be a gentleman before I get rough with you," he said. I chuckled at his pun and nodded.

"Sure," I whispered.

"Good. We start soon. Sleep. I'm gonna shower and do some things. Make yourself at home," he said. He let me down and I went to my bag. I pulled on a night gown and laid in bed. "Want me to lay here until you're asleep?"

"Please?" He laid behind me and held me. I cuddled into him and he kissed my head.

"Night, baby boy," he whispered.

"Night, daddy," I mumbled and fell asleep.


Mike was on the phone when I woke up. I laid on his stomach and he played with my hair. I smiled and he kissed my head. "Mr. Darcey. We are revoking your privileges. There's nothing you can do about it. Do your job and you might get them back. And stop fucking harassing the women." he ended the call. "Sorry if I woke you up," he mumbled.

"No. You didn't. I'm a pretty deep sleeper," I replied. He rubbed my back.

"I have to go somewhere. I'll be back later." He mumbled. I pouted.

"Don't leave me daddy," I said in the smallest tone, "don't leave."

"I have to, baby. Work," he said. I pouted and he smiled. I whined and clung to him.

"No, daddy," I whined.

"Let me go to work so I can spoil you. You wanna be spoiled don't you?" I blushed and nodded. I let go of him and he got up.

He kissed my cheek and I smiled. He got ready in a suit. And damn he looks hot. I whined and he came back over. I hugged him and he chuckled. "Don't leave me, Daddy. Please. Please daddy," I begged.

"I have to take care of something. I'll be back in two hours tops. And then we can cuddle and watch movies and do whatever you want. Okay?"

I nodded and stood. I kissed his cheek and he smiled. I fixed his tie and smoothed his hair down. "Go. Before I get sad again," I muttered. He kissed my cheek and laid me down.

"Go eat breakfast with Kellin. Okay? But proper clothes. Only I can see you in that," he said. I nodded and got up. I put pyjama pants and his sweatshirt on. It smelled like him and he smells good so. "You look adorable," he whispered.

Mike walked me downstairs and I saw Kellin in the kitchen and Vic dressed like Mike. "Ready to go?" Mike nodded.

"Bye, baby," he mumbled and kissed my cheek. He left and I went to Kellin. I hugged him he hugged back.

"You gonna eat?"

"No. Breakfast still makes me sick," I replied. He chuckled.

"Grab two Pepsi's and come sit with me," I did as told and he sat with me.

"So, where do they work?"

"They own some company together. Their parents left it to them," he answered. I nodded and he started eating. "So how is he?"

"What do you mean?"

"In bed," he said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"We didn't sleep together. But he's sweet. And he said, and I quote, 'I like to be a gentleman before I get rough with you,'" I said.

"Best pun ever," he replied. I nodded.

I went up to our room and turned some music on. Mike still wasn't back but he should be here soon. I laid down and he walked in. "Daddy!" I jumped into his arms and he kissed my head.

"Hey, baby boy. How are you?"

"It was so lonely without you," I mumbled.

He picked me up and smiled. He put me on his side like a toddler and I smiled. Mike took me to the basement, which was their TV room. He set me down and put a movie in. He laid beside me and I cuddled into him. He put his arm around me and I started sucking on his thumb. Since I didn't have my pacy, Mike's thumb will have to do.

We cuddle and watched Beauty and the Beast, my favourite movie of all time. Mike said he was the beast and I was the beauty but I don't believe him.

He's sexy and I'm...me. He noticed how sad I suddenly got and kissed my cheek. "You're beautiful, Tony," Mike whispered. I blushed and looked down.

He's so perfect.

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