still love you Part 4

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a/n: this is my first video and can i just say i got bored and i just got into the phandom i don't really think they are together but i just love the phandom

shane was being difficult and hard to deal with. " shane what is so wrong with jack" you asked trying not to make a scene. "he blushes when he looks at you i hate it" shane says in rage. you didn't reply to that as you knew it was true "i can tell that you know" he looked away sad. you pulled him around and your eyes locked "shane even if jack has a pity crush on me you are the best thing that ever happened to me. shane if i ever left you then i would hate myself" you said with true emotion. you and Shane hugged as everyone stared. "shane i love you" i kissed him and shane kissed me back. "i love you too" as you went away from the kiss. everyone except from the director's were looking. dan gave a thumbs up as if to say 'well done' shane left and talked to Marcus  and dan came to you " how the hell did you do that" dan was shocked that you had made shane better as when it came to shane that was impossible " i told him that no matter what i will never leave him and it worked" you said casually "but did you mean it " dan asked with an eyebrow raised " i did mean it i love shane" i said almost shouting 

 All the youtubers left. shane was going to an other house so you were all alone for a week. shane was of to america to see family for a week. so this week you wanted to get to know jack more as he was staying with pewdiepie for the a few months and shane wasn't there to be jealous so it was perfect. in the morning shane left. you were going out to spend the day with Zoe, dan and Phil and Tyler. you were going to vlog it so you brought your camera. you put a grey and white hoodie on with black jeans and your beanie. you got a taxi and you were of. you met dan and Phil and Zoe. "hi guys how you doing" you hugged Zoe and waved at phil and dan. "hi so you know what we are doing today" dan asked "well i need to show you guys the fourth pillar it is funny and odd" you suggested "hi there sorry i was late" Tyler said a bit rushed. you all went to the four pillars. "It's a blue cock" dan said like he was eleven. we all laughed  uncontrollably "it is dan"i said laughing wildly. Phil loved lions so we dared him to climb on the lion "go on Phil" we chanted. we were getting strange looks until when he made it captain Hitler told him to get off " guys Phil was told of by that man" i pointed the camera to the man "captain Hitler looking for victims" dan said to the camera.

we went to Starbucks and just sat there on our phones with our drinks. until dan took my camera and started to record "half way though lunch and the three of them are on there phones. a typical day in the life YouTuber's" dan said as i looked up slightly" dan what are you doing" i asked "filming a day in the of us part 4" dan said as it was obvious. "fine then Danny where else shall we go that is interesting" dan stopped recording as he had no idea what to do. "hey don't call me Danny" dan said trying to think what to say. "i know what to do" we all looked at Phil as he said that. "we could go to forbidden planet" me and dan's eyes lit up with joy. Tyler and Zoe looked bored. they weren't nerds like we were so they were not so happy. "yes we are going there" me and dan said in unison. "guys were aren't all nerds here" Zoe looked at us with disappointment "then we can go to a make up shop or whatever you want and then we can do what Tyler wants"i suggested. we all went to where we wanted. dan acted like he was eleven year old again "spidy bulge spidy bulge" i smirked at dan trying not to laugh "why did you focus on spidy bulge" i raised an eyebrow " because... it's funny" he shrugged his shoulders "dan is gay after all" i said laughing "you little" he gritted his teeth. i knew it was fake. he chased me around the shop and we lost Tyler,phil and Zoe. he caught me and he lifted me in the air as he is 6 ft tall. "ok you got me" our eyes locked on each other. the world was in slow motion until Phil ran forward i jumped down so Phil wouldn't think of it in the wrong way. that moment reminded me of the day me and shane had galaxy ice cream and my eyes locked with dan's the same way my eye's locked with Shane's on that day he caught me as i said 'shane i have lived with you for 2 years and anything with ice cream in it to you is good'. "there you guys are. why did you run off" Phil asked relieved that he found us. we didn't answer as we didn't want phil to get the wrong idea again. then after that we went to the two shops and me and dan were kind of ignoring each other but we would make eye contact. and we would get lost in each other's eye's. when we were leaving to go home and we were all saying bye "bye dan see you later"i said smiling up at dan. "bye" i leaned in for a hug slowly and dan hugged me fast. the hug wasn't awkward because we spent the whole day being that. 

on the way home all i could think about is dan and that stare we were in for ten seconds which felt like it lasted an hour.

zoe: so i was wondering where did you and dan go today

sage:i said he was gay and he pretended to chase me 

zoe: little question isn't that what you and shane do

sage: zoe can i tell you something 

zoe: yes...

sage: can you remember in high school how i had a huge crush on dan but then i met shane

zoe: yessss i remember that is all you would talk about

sage: i think i'm in love with dan again

zoe: how and why do you think this

sage:i don't know he's kind and that moment in the shop today our eyes locked onto each others and it felt good and ok until Phil came 

zoe: what about shane 

sage:honestly shane has been really annoying lately easily. he's been getting really angry lately and has never been home and has never told me where he was or where he was going and gets so drunk a lot 

zoe: do you ask him where he goes 

sage: yep he always say's out and leaves before i can stop him. 

zoe: i have to go know but i would look out for shane. i don't really know him but he rejects people easy. he can love and let go watch out for him. when he finds someone and when they don't bring the view's he wants he let's go  

sage: kk i will bye what about dan

zoe: ask phil about dan he is the dan expert i would take it slow though with phil

sage: alright then bye

a/n:this book is know in first person as it is easier to write in first person 

i turned off my phone and looked out the window "right love, that'll be £6.00" the taxi driver said in a true Yorkshire accent "thank's love have a nice day" i waved of the taxi driver and he drives off. as i entered my flat and i saw shane "what are you doing here aren't you meant to be in america" i asked confused as fuck " i have to tell you something and it is important well..." shane moved forward with a happy  face "we are moving to america" "WHAT WHY" i shouted  " i want to move there because it is my home town and you are getting too close to the guys they all fancy you" shane said as if it was obvious " shane i am not moving anywhere i live here and i am staying here. this is my home town shane it's not all about you" shane was about to give me my suit case. "if your not moving then i'm moving" he shouted in rage because i didn't want to move "shane what has happened to you. you drink more you act like shit in video's you haven't gone to the gym in three weeks. what has got into you. you were once perfectly fine with England know you think it's crap why" he just faced the wall "shane i love you but if you are going to be a bitch then i am not interested" i said stating the obvious. "then we can't be together i am leaving" he shouted as he marched to the door,  so i went to the door and opened the door and did a get out hand gesture. like they do in movie's when they welcome the character to a new house or hotel with the smile and every thing but did the complete opposite i was kicking him out.i waved and said with a proud tone with a sarcastic devilish smile "bye shit head you go to america with your shitty ice cream and all your new friends your going to make" and SLAM. the door was shut. 

no more shitty shane my life was free and i will never see him again my life is the best so o thought.


can i just say that i am a big fan of shane and this is just the story it is just what happens and shane is coming back but this is just drama stuff so it easier to be with dan and this story is know in first person as that is more fun and easier to write and i am thinking to write a story about magical   youtubers so yeah look out for that and this is my new favorite song. 

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