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A/n omg guys we made it this book has 100 reads what thats insane? well first of all thank you so much and I love you all. I never expected so many people to read my book so thank you so so much and enjoy and this will be the last script kind of thing I write then it will be back to normal stuff like the filming of the film and at the end there is a bit of shane drama so no script so enjoy

after the video with dan and phil i wanted to make a video with dan as we had such a good idea for a video.

script mode activate s=sage d=dan p=phil 

dan hides me a with a pillow 

d=hi internet i am joined by a special guest today make a noise to show the people who you are 


d=oh my god really 


round two

d=hi internet and i am with a special guest today. give a clue 

s=i have a tour tickets down below 

d=oh it's sage also known as sageisawesome 

s= you need to put my UK ticket in the down below now. 

d= ok i will so how are you 

s=good i am feeling so good  

d=anyway we are doing the ultimate subscriber test. so i will ask for some question's on twitter and so will sage and we will see who's got the you could say most creepy and odd and who has the more normal subscribers  

s= so it's my wolfies against your danasaurs so wolf vs dinosaur 

d=wow ok then so lets go 


so guys i am doing a Q&A with @danisnotonfire on his channel and i need you to think of some questions that you want to ask me and dan will pick them out and read them so be ready for that 


right i am doing a Q&A thing with @sageisawesome and i need some questions from you guys to ask me sage will be finding some good ones and reading them out to me. no creepy ones though 

 ten minutes  later 

d=right i will ask you some questions first

s=right ask away dan the man 

d=what dan the man what the fuck  

sage fell backwards as dan looked at sage like she had just said the most oddest thing ever 

d=so first question

The rest of the questions were crazy and weird dan subscribers were more weird and mine were quite normal and we had loads of laughs but I had a great idea

S=So I was thinking I will find three romantic questions from your fans and you will from mine and we need to answer honestly 

D=right careful with my questions my subscribers are weird so what I mean is no bondage question

D=first question are you and Shane official

S=no we're not official at all I am not a big fan of shane he has never really come to being a love kind of guy at all so no we are not internet official we just make video's together  and live together like dan and phil but there is no major fandom that is so big *that makes dan laugh*

I blew the fact about Shane over my shoulder he was long gone now I had nothing to do with him. i just hid the fact we weren't friends anymore and just say we were friends who both needed roommates to live with  

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