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( epilogue )

  I sat next to Calum, our baby boy sitting in his lap, as he packed his bags. He was going on tour yet again. This would be the first time since our son had been born. He was three now and he was a daddy's boy, so we both knew this was gonna be hard.

  "Should I pack this shirt, Bexy?", Calum asked smirking. He held up an old shirt with several holes and no sleeves.

  "Maybe pre-child you could've packed that shirt. Maybe.", I giggled.

  I watched my baby boy play with Calum's wedding band as Calum sorted through toiletries with his other hand. His tiny fingers wrapping around Cal's large ones made me realize how fond I was of the relationship they shared.

  "Alright, I think I have everything. I think.", he mumbled. Calum gathered his suitcase, duffle bag, and carry on bag, then handed our son to me. "Remy, are you gonna be good for mumma when I'm gone?"

  He nodded professionally, "Yes sir, daddy." Cal saluted him and he burst into a fit of laughter. He turned and hugged me tightly, digging his face into my neck. I patted his back and went towards Calum so that he could pull us into a group hug.

"Momma, I have to go get a thing for dad. I gotta get it.", he wiggled in our arms.

  "Okay, babe, go get it. We're gonna go to the car.", I told him. He ran off and Calum and I began to lug his belongings to our car. By the time we forced everything in the trunk, Remy was running as fast as his short legs would take him to the car. He also had a large lump underneath his shirt.

  "Cutie, what's that?", Calum asked through his chuckles.

  Remy shouted back, "Daddy, no! Don't look, it's your gift." He pouted at him.

  "Alright, I'm sorry.", he apologized.

  I got Remy buckled in his car seat and we started the drive to the airport. As we drove, I slipped my hand into Calum's. I noticed our baby boy was distracted by the song on the radio.

  "You're gonna be gone for so long, baby. He's gonna miss you, I'm gonna miss you.", I sighed quietly.

  Calum stroked my hand. "I know, honey. I know. But it'll be okay, I promise. He loves you so much, you'll both be okay." I smiled and Cal grinned back. 

  Once we arrived at the airport and weaved our way to Calum's correct gate, it hit Remy that his daddy was leaving.

  "I love you, Daddy. Have fun being a rockstar.", he said with tears in his eyes.

  Calum pouted his bottom lip and got down on his knees to hug our son. Remy didn't break though. He was strong just like his father.

   Calum stood up and hugged me tightly. "I love you, sweetheart. So much. Take care of our baby." He gently kissed my lips then he bent back down to Remy and kissed his forehead. "Love you, buddy. Take care of mumma."

  I picked Remy up and used his hand to wave to Calum. "Bye, daddy.", I said for Remy. Calum waved and began to walk away.

  "Daddy! Wait! Your present!", my son yelped. Calum stopped and turned around to see Remy running to him. I followed after him and caught up just in time to see him hand my husband a small dog plushy.

"Remy, babe, that's your favorite.", I said confused. Calum slowly took it from him.

  "Buddy, why are you giving me your favorite stuffed animal?", Cal asked him curiously.

  "So that even when you're not here, you'll remember me."


remember me is officially over! sorry if this is dumb, but thank you for reading!💕

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