Chapter 7

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Day 1
(later that night)

Christina's POV
I sit on the edge of my bed and debate what to do. A tear rolls down my cheek and I stand up and look at a picture of Beck and I. I love him so much. He makes me so happy. It's a damn shame that this horrible man who won't leave me alone has now affected me enough that I accidentally stood up my boyfriend- well now my ex boyfriend.

I sigh.

I love him. That's it. It's simple. Nothing should stop me from being with who I love.

I grab my phone and call Beck. He answers right away and says, "Hi Christina"

I start to sob. "Beck I love you. I love you so much! Please be with me! I can explain everything.. Just please love me!"

I hear him sniffle across the line and then he says, "Christina I love you so much. I'm already on my way to your house. Let's talk about this. You can tell me anything."

I smile, "I'm glad to hear that Beck. I'm so scared."

I hear a long silence.  Then he asks, "U-uh scared about what?"

I sigh, "um I'll explain.. Are you almost here?" I ask this as I start to feel anxiety. I look around and rub my arm nervously.

"Yes I'm like 2 minutes away baby" he says and I smile and say, "okay okay hurry up sweetie."

He asks, "Are you okay baby?"

I reply, "uh kinda."

He says, "well I'm here babe"

I look out the window and see Beck's car pull in. I run down the stairs and open the door. He walks up to me and picks me up into his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and we kiss passionately. I keep my eyes open for a second to look into his and then I close mine.

"I love you" he mumbles in between kisses.

"I love you more" I mumble back.

He laughs a little and then whispers, "that's unlikely"

I smile slightly and then kiss him again. He tilts his head and deepens the kiss. We kiss for a while until I pull away slowly and gasp for air. He kisses my neck a little and looks up at me. I smile down at him and look into his beautiful hazel eyes. He looks into mine and no words needed to be said. We felt the love and knew that we needed to fix things between us.

I sigh softly and he kisses my lips gently and mumbles, "All of my heart aches for you. I love you more than I can even comprehend."

I blush, "babe we need to talk. I have something to tell you."

He nods and carries me inside.

Beck's POV
I carry my beautiful girlfriend inside but I can tell she's nervous and scared. I kiss her head and whisper, "baby don't be nervous. I love you"

She nods slightly and I carry her up to her room. I lay down on her bed with her in my arms. She moves so her head is rested against my chest and she's looking up at me. I run my fingers through her hair and she sighs.

Then she says in a hushed voice so only I can hear, "b-babe this man has been calling me and threatening me. He says if I tell anymore you're gonna get hurt. He knows what I do and where I'm at. I don't know what he wants and I'm scared."

My eyes widen slightly and I'm speechless. What the hell does this even mean for us? What does this man want with my girlfriend? Why Christina?

After a while I kiss her forehead and say, "babe we gotta tell someone about this. We gotta call the cops."

She starts crying harder and says, "No! I don't want you to get hurt!"

He says, "babe the police can protect me. We have to tell someone. Please"

She sighs, "f-fine baba. B-but not now.. I just want to lay here tonight.. I don't want to think about it right now"

I nod, "okay okay fine. I love you"

She smiles slightly and I wipe her tears and hold her close. She sighs and closes her eyes. I watch her fall asleep slowly, I hope she feels safe in my arms. I wouldn't let anyone hurt my beautiful girlfriend. She's my everything.

I close my eyes after a bit and feel myself fall into a light sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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