Chapter 6

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Christina's POV
I breathe in small breaths and gasps. Cries sputter out of my mouth as I shake uncontrollably. How did this happen? I try to calm down but I can't.

I close my eyes briefly and open them again. I try to think but my head is so cluttered with thoughts, feelings, and fears. I can't think straight. I can barely think at all. I take a deep breath and at least try to think back.

I guess it all happened three days ago.


Day one

(Christina's POV)
I look down at my phone. I haven't received a call in a while. Maybe the man is finally leaving me alone. Maybe I can finally feel safe again. My phone suddenly rings and fear rushes through my veins like blood. I answer it and a deep but soothing voice answers.

"Hey Christina." He says.

I realize it's Beck and I feel the tense muscles in my back relax. "Oh hey Beck. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I was just wondering if you'd like to a movie later."

"Yeah sure." I smile for a second, "sounds great. What time should I meet you there?"

"2:00?" He suggests.

"Sounds good. Talk to ya later." I say.

"Okay.. I love you." He says

"I love you more." I say and hang up before he can deny it.

I sigh and lay down on my bed. I have two ours before I have to leave to meet Beck. I close my eyes and my breathing slows. I start to drift off into a peaceful sleep before I'm startled by a loud ding coming from my phone. I grab my phone and look at it. It says "YOU HAVE THREE DAYS."

It dings again, "Don't tell anyone about this or you know what will happen."

I shut my phone off and fear consumes me. Three days for what?

Beck's POV
I arrive at the movie theater a little early. I sit on the bench and wait for Christina. I tap my foot anxiously as time tick by. I check the time on my phone. 2:15. She's probably just getting ready. Girls are always late for dates. It's nothing. Another 15 minutes goes by and Christina still hasn't showed up. I decide to wait a little bit longer and when it gets to be 2:45 I know she's not coming. A worker comes outside and says "bruh, I don't think your dates coming. Sorry man." He hands me a free popcorn and pats me on the back. "We've all been there bruh." Then he walks inside. I shake my head. I can't believe Christina stood me up.

I get in my car and drive to her house. I knock on the door and her mom answers. "Oh hey Beck."

"Hi." I give her a fake smile, "Is Christina here?"

"Yes she is." She pauses, "Christina! Backs here."

She walks downstairs wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Was she even planning on going to our date?

"Can I talk to you outside please?" I ask.

"Yeah sure."

We step outside on her porch and I shake my head. "Why didn't you show up?"

"Show up to what?" She asks.

"Don't play dumb Christina. We had a date."

"Oh yeah. I'm so sorry I forgot." She says.

"You just forgot?! How?!"

"A lot has been going on lately. I got distracted!"

"By what?" I question.

"I uh- I can't say." She says, biting her lip.

"Christina you ditched me. I think the least you can do is tell me why." I say.

"I wish I could.. But I can't."

"Fine then. I don't want to be in a relationship built off of secrets. Maybe we should take a break." He says.

She looks up at me, tears in her eyes. "Fine then! Leave!"

I walk away and get in my car and start to drive. I look back at her house one more as I drive off time to see her sitting on the porch, her head in her hands.

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