I Blame My Self!!

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(Sakura speaking)
Sasuske!Sasuke!Please help me naruto has died it's my fault I shouldn't have tried to fight with him I'm to weak weak WEAK!!!! I could have saved him.

(Kakashe speaking )
Don't blame yourself Sakura naruto was happy to protect you he died for you he wouldn't want you to be sad he would want you to live your life happy.

(Sakura speaking )
But how can I forgive myself I ..I killed him(sobbing) NARUTO!!!! NARUTO!!!!

We must find Sasuske now I'm to weak to save naruto, I'm useless even if I could save him he probably never want to see my face again ...HE probably hates me NARUTO!!!!!!! (Sobbing)

(Kakashe )
Why are you so sad about naruto's passing I thought you loved Sasuske or so you thought your heart believed.

I...I..I ever thought of it like that I always thought Sasuske was the one I was WRONG and now naruto's gone and I may never get to tell him how I feel.

We will save naruto and you will be able to tell him how you feel, now will you help me find Sasuske ?

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