The Search For Sauske

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Where have you been these past years... well it doesn't matter anymore but we need your help naruto will never come back if we don't save him now.

What do you mean naruto's in trouble what happened to him.

He died and there is a way to save him if you go to the underworld and save him he will be able to come back.

WHO IS THE BASTARD THAT KILLED HIM!!!!!!!! Tell me tell me I will kill him and get revenge for naruto.

I....I did but was a mistake I'm sorry so so sorry it was a big mistake please forgive me.

I...I its ok you didn't mean to but why can't you save naruto? It's your mistake so you should at least try to fix it.

I can't save naruto b..because I'm to weak and if I could save naruto he wouldn't want to see my face again it's my fault he's dead and...and if you don't wanna talk to me anymore that's fine but save naruto please...PLEASE!!!!

Quit your crying I'll save naruto but what's in it for me.

Are you really that much of a jerk well never mind ,I will give you anything gold, silver anything anything just save him.

Fine but all I ask is that you never bother me again.

Go what are you waiting for draw the portal.

What are you talking about I'll go tomorrow at dawn be ready.

B...but I said I can't go.

Oh quit being a baby now go home you need to rest. Remember tomorrow at dawn.

To Be Continued.........

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