chapter three - lunch

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jordyn's point of view

Today was just an ordinary day. I got up, showered, ate breakfast, got dressed and then went to work.

I only had 1 hour left then I would have my lunch break.

I was a nurse who took care of kids with cancer. Sometimes the job was fun, but most of the time it was really hard.

Normally I look after a girl named Anna, but today she had a surgery so I looked after Noah, another patient.

I usually only looked after Noah when his parents were both gone at work.

Noah was coloring while I was checking his oxygen tank making sure everything was running smoothly.

"Whatcha coloring Noah?"

He looked up and smiled.
"My family."

I looked down and smiled. It was actually a pretty decent drawing for a 5 year old.

"That's awesome buddy!"

"Thank you Nurse J!" He replied smiling.

I had lunch plans today with Zach and my dad so I was really excited for my lunch break today.

Zach's parents were going out to eat with Alyssa so Zach and I could talk without it being awkward.

I decided to invite my dad with because he owned the rink and there was nothing going on today so why not?

I looked back down at Noah.
Every time I looked at the patients, especially Noah, it made me think of my future.

I wanted kids. I wanted a family.
But I would never get that if I didn't get over Zach. I had to get over him.

Lunch came by and I left the hospital and went to Olive Garden.

As soon as I got to the restaurant my dad and Zach were already there.

We got seated and placed our orders.
My dad and Zach were talking so I just sat there listening to them talk.

"So Jordyn you got a boyfriend?" Zach asked out of the blue.

I blushed and looked down at the table.

"No I don't. I've haven't really found anyone yet. I've been on a few dates here and there but it never goes anywhere." I replied.

"You'll find someone eventually. It took me sometime before I met Alyssa." Zach said smiling.

I gave him a fake smile.

"So Zach, how is it being back in Minnesota?" I asked just trying to keep the conversation going.

"It's amazing. I love being back home." He said.

Lunch was over and it was time for me to go back to work.

On my way into the lobby in the hospital I accidentally bumped into someone.

I was blushing like crazy.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I'm such a clutz!" I replied.

I looked up to see a doctor with a name tag that said "Ben".

"No it's not your fault! I'm sorry! I'm new here and I wasn't paying attention. I'm truly sorry." He said.

"Well sorry for bumping into you! By the way I'm Jordyn." I said smiling and putting my hand out for him to shake.

"Beautiful name. I'm ben. It's nice to meet you!" He replied by shaking my hand."

"Hey Ben they need you in the operating room!" Said a lady at the front desk.

"Well it was nice to meet you, but I have to go. See you around Jordyn!" He said turning around and walking away.

After Ben left I went back up to Noah's hospital room and I saw that Anna had just finished her surgery.

The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly.

Authors note:

I'm so sorry for not updating guys! This was a short and terribly written chapter that will be getting fixed soon! I just felt bad that I hadn't wrote in a while so I decided to update as quick as I could. I will be updating faster now.


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