Heishiro Mitsurugi

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I'm so lonely these days, so I'm glad I found something to talk to (even though you are a book). I'm always lonely because I am number four of eight children, and my dad works almost all day on the farm.
Well that's enough about me, let's talk about other horrible things in my life. For instance, there is a war going on in my homeland, Bizen, Japan. Every morning I wake up to sadness, anger, and great destruction. Though I hate effects of war, I love watching samurais fight. Ever since I was five, I wanted to be a samurai
but my parents would never allow that, especially at my age.
                       A Week Later
   WHYYY!!! Why of all people did this happen to me? Do I deserve to have my entire family murdered? NO! No, I do not! I'm scared, angry, and heartbroken all at the same time! Is it even possible for a human being to feel this much emotion swelling up inside them? IS IT?
   Although I should be weeping and mourning over their death, all I want to do is get revenge. Wait, the only way to get revenge on a samurai, is to become a samurai. My childhood dream will finally come true!
                   First Day of Training
   I have taken a sword and the name Mitsurugi in honor of my family. I've started training under the powerful warlord of the Murakami clan. From what I've seen today, I will most likely be the best student here! My Sensei told me that I'm a very powerful force on the battlefield.
   Yet, even the best things have downsides. By that I mean, being the best is not as fun as it seems. People spread rumors about me, ask me to fight, and humiliate me. Think about that next time you have fantasies of being famous.
  Well anyways, tomorrow I have a very important test, that will determine whether I can continue training or not.
                              After Test
So... I passed the test! From what I heard, everyone thinks that I will be a warrior that can mow down foes like wheat!
  I also received many requests to join the Japanese army. I've decided to join the armed forces, but my true desire is to find a worthy opponent.
  Oh! Um... By any chance, do you know of a sword called Soul Edge?

AN: What do you think? Is it a bit much? Is it to little? PLEASE tell me!

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