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   I'm Tira, and my life makes as much sense as a dog flying through a cactus to eat a bell pepper. In case you are wondering what that means, it's something that I say to explain that my life makes no sense.
   No one knows anything about my birth, but I rwas raised in a hidden organization called 'The Bird of Passage' in Europe. I was trained to be an assassin, and killed people at a very young age. Since then I've loved the idea of murder.
   At the age of nine years I killed so many people that I was titled 'Bird of death'. My trainer was also my Mama Bird' since I had no mother. After many years we grew very close. Our happy life ended when my assignment was to kill her, but you must always complete your assignment. I killed her and performed a burial. Ever since the funeral I have been mentally broken.

What are you talking 'bout Tira.

Nothing, why?

I thought I heard you talking 'bout us. If you ever talk 'bout us like that I'll cut off your arms and use them as dolls, okay?

Yes.*Whispers* I have split personality issues. Anyways, I can be gloomy one moment and cheery the next.
Back to the story. I was placed in a new group that dealt with VIP assassinations. I caused many accidents because my split personality made me unpredictable. They still kept me in the program because my skills made up for it.                                 One day while I was working, something possessed me and made me even more unpredictable. Because of this incident and the many others I was expelled from the group.
   I was adopted by a family who called me Tira. It was hard for me to accept the average lifestyle, I liked some aspects of it. But, my new life didn't last long. I got in trouble for releasing the youngest members bird and murdered the entire family out of rage. That will keep their mouths shut.
   After that, I realized that I couldn't live without murder so I started a new life while keeping the name 'Tira' and giving the name 'Bird of Death' to my weapon.

Cheery Tira:

Gloomy Tira:

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Gloomy Tira:

Gloomy Tira:

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