Chapter 1

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"I know that I'm bad news. I know that I'm trouble, but please Riley, you've got to give me a chance. You've been on my mind since that day you bumped into me in the halls. I can't get you out of my head and I don't want to."

"I understand if you say no though. I've got a bit of a record and I'm a disgrace to my family. It's selfish of me to ask but please, you've helped me so much without even realising it. I don't think I could survive without your witty humour and cute dimples."

"So please, Riley Anderson, will you do me, Xavier Prince, the honour of going on a date with me this Saturday night?"

I was shocked, the bad boy, Xavier Prince, was asking me on a date?! Me! Out of all the beautiful girls lining up for him, he chose me!

I thought of all the wonderful things he'd done for me. He was there when I needed a friend, he gave me his shoulder to cry on, he made me smile more than anyone in this world. He was everything I ever needed.

He's all I'd ever need.

With that final thought, I say the words to make my dreams come true.

"Why, Xavier Prince, I would love to go on a date with you."

The smiles that erupts on his face melts my heart. In one swift motion he's standing flush against me and I'm staring into his blue orbs.

"Thank you." He says genuinely, "You won't regret it"

I study his face, from his sculpted jaw to his I-just-got-out-of-bed hair. I knew in that moment that I didn't just like Xavier, I loved him.

"I know I won't" My voice is filled with unspoken promises and undying love for the 6 foot man in front of me.

We may not be a perfect couple but you know what they say, opposites attract.

And with that I exit the book and add it to my archive.

Now that was a good book. I'm a sucker for happy ever afters and Xavier Prince for that matter! I'd love a man like that in my life.

If only I was more like Riley, maybe real boys would actually talk to me. The last time I spoke to someone of the male species was last month when my uncle asked me to pass the salt shaker. Yes, I know what you're thinking, but I swear I'm not that much of a loser. It's just when it comes to boys I'm useless, they never seem to like me.

 I mean, the only time I'd see them is at school and they've never approached me. Why would they? There's nothing about me that's particularly significant. I'm not on any team, Don't go to any parties, I don't even go shopping. I suppose I've always just hoped a knight in shining armour would just rush into my life on a white horse and we'd fall in love. But that's not going to happen, it's the 21st century for crying out loud.  

But anyway, back to Riley. She was some girl. I wish I had her dirty blond hair and rocking bod. If she was real I bet no lad would be able to resist her, she's perfect. Her blue eyes could hold so many emotions and could brighten up anyone's face (That's what Xavier said anyway). I can just imagine her pearly white smile with teeth straighter then me and her 5"2' frame standing a few inches under me. 

If only I could talk to her, or any other wattpad girl. They could teach me so much. Boys fell for them so easily. They must've all had at least three or four guys in love with them at the one time. There was the best friend that had been there for them their whole life, the charming stranger they'd met once and were instantly besties, the jealous ex who cheated and tries desperately to win her back and of course the mysterious bad boy  with a troubled past and heart of gold. 

Every single wattpad girl had at least three of these guys and I didn't even have one. How sad was that? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm happy for those girls and admire them so much but sometimes they make me unbelievably jealous. I know it's not their fault but I just wish they could give me a few tips. I want to know their secret to getting boys. How they wrap them around their fingers within a few weeks.

I want to be them. 

And that's when I got my idea. I was going to be them. I would turn myself into a Wattpad girl that no one could resist. I'd read enough about them to be able to. All I had to do was come up with a foolproof plan  and I was sorted. I could be the girl of boys dreams.

With that thought I went onto my profile and created a story. It was only fitting that I made my plan on wattpad.  I skipped past the description, category, tags and went straight to writing it. Titling my chapter "The Plan" I started working on what I had to do. 

About an hour later I had come up with a list of 12 things needed to do.

1. Get high metabolism

2. Buy hoodies two sizes bigger then my regular size 

3. Learn how to do a messy bun

4. Ditch all the makeup 

5. Get a stash of junk food for one of my cupboards

6.  Figure out a way to get a slight curl to hair. Maybe something like beach waves?

7.  Find a pair of fake glasses 

8.  Become shy but not too shy

9. Learn comebacks 

10. Get body shapers

11. Whiten teeth

12. Get the boys

If I followed all these steps, there's no way anyone could resist me. This story would be my diary. I would record all my progress and teach anyone else who wanted to learn. The minute I clicked save I knew it was too late to turn back. My plan had begun. And it was going to work.

I shut down my laptop with a smile on my face and jumped into bed having one final thought before I fell into a deep slumber.

I would be the best Wattpad Girl this world has ever seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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