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"HIIIIIYYYYAAAH"!!!!!Unilan has been practicing self defense to go off on her own.She tried her best to start writing Korean and English words if she is starting a new life.

That same morning she turned on the news and wanted to know more information about the British War against Korea.They started saying 4998 died but 2 alive.She didn't know about the other person but she was hoping it was somebody she loved.

"鞘散るクインしゆうんからしゆすをうあ"||"Today On the news it will reviel who remained from the war that Happend that we previously know about." "ちみきをちつやくかわたすーくむつさま"||"One was Ali Mah BeSu and the other was a mystery.We heard the young person yell and yell but no answer.

I turned the television a bit louder.I couldn't remember my fathers name, but I want to find out who Ali Mah BeSu was.I traveled all worlds and made friends that do.But now they don't, and all I do now is make more.But my worst fear is the only one who remembers is, Charlotte from west earth.

I continued to keep on practicing untill I was worn out.When I fall, I get back up.When I do a mistake, I try again.I keep on trying and getting up untill I learned every single part of Martial Arts.

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