あかParts Of Lifeあかさ

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"Start by cleaning the front" said a grouchy old man."Yes sir" I replied silently.I started cleaning but I stopped after 5 minutes to go sneek away to grab the bags I packed to go to the United States."Where did you go?" the man yelled.

As I grabbed my bags, I took a few pictures to remind me of my dad because he has been beside my side for years.The only problem was, was how would I get to the airport.I asked my friend to come drive me.She came amidietly to pick me up.

"I'm heeerrreee,Unilan" yelled Wikilim."Thanks again Wiki" I replied getting into the mini van."Anytime" she said with a big grin on her cheeks."So.." Wikilim tried to make us start to talk."Yeah thanks b-" I said being inturupted "AHHHHHH" yelled Wikilim.The car crashed but non of us died."I'll come to the United States with you if that ok." Wikilim said trying to distract us on what just happend."Sure"."I have bags in the back and the airport is just 5 minutes away in car but its maby 15 walking." "Ok, but also can we run?The flight takes off in 2 hours but we have to be there 1 hour before that."We both grabbed our bags and started to jog untill we got our energy up.

"We finally reached the airport" we both said and agreed as we fell on the floor breathing heavily.I signed us both in ready to go in the plane."Come on wiki, let's go find border 25D for Korean Airlines" I said happily.We sat down beside the border in the seats and talked about what we will do in the plane and when we reach United States.

"Now bording flight 455 for Korean Airlines" said the voice."That's us" Wikilim said getting up.I can't wait to know what happends.

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