Where Are We?

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I coughed and coughed and coughed over and over again."WIKI" I yelled wondering where she was wondering."UNILAN?" yelled Wiki but I didn't hear her.We both were split apart.
Flash Back
"We are now having a little weather problems and we are-" "RETRIET RETRIET OUR PLANE IS FALLING" the speakers repeated."AHHHHHH" the people screamed."UNILANNNN" "WIKKIIIII" we screamed for eachother.
The Present
I sat there crying from the horrible things that happend this week.First, my dad, then a war, then a car crash, but last this?What else can happen?

My dad told me when I was little, I was born to be real to fight for the world, not perfect for fame.But I don't think he ment it.I have made my life worse and worse because of the Korean War.

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