Chapter 5 - Just Her.

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Jackson's Point of View:

My back slouched as I followed Vanessa into the school doors. We had 7 minutes till class started.

She led me to her locker, and fumbled with the lock, forgetting her code numbers before finally tugging it open. I snorted as I saw it was decorated in glitter, hearts, and everything pink and purple.

Vanessa noticed my snort and narrowed her eyes, " Got a problem with my artistic mind?"

Artistic, eh?

I raised my hands in defense and laughed, " No, no. Your locker"

" Is..?" Vanessa finished, waiting for my answer.

" You." I smiled.

She giggled and sorted through her books, humming a tune our grandmother would hum to us as children.

I stared at my sister. Sometimes, I have this crazy theory that we aren't really siblings. She had bright blue eyes, and curled blonde hair. She had no tattoos or piercings, but this amazing smile that would shine brighter than the sun. Unlike me, who had dark hair, green eyes, tattoos, an earring, and a weird smile.

But that was just a theory I thought of when boredom took over.

Vanessa slammed her locker shut, yanking me out of my trance. She waved for me to follow her and I pushed myself off the lockers.

" So I met a girl yesterday." She said while rummaging through her purse. Her eyes lit up in triumph as she pulled out a pink tube of lip gloss. Figures.

" Hm?" I mumbled.

" Yea, her name's Juliana and she has this gorgeous long black hair. Her eyes are weird too, green with brown but still green. Weird. But..." She trailed off, as if she's afraid of exploring deeper.

I raised an eyebrow at her as she fiddled with the barcode of the lip gloss, "But what?"

Vanessa sighed, " She's damaged. I don't know how. But she doesn't like to talk and is foreign to the whole " friend" idea. But I'll fix her. I have to."

She flashed me a daring look, making me crack a smile. Despite her appearance, once she sets her mind to something, she'll get what she wants.

" What about you, Jacky?" She smirked.

I winced and muttered, " Dont call me that, Vanessa."

She giggled, " Jackso?"

" No."

" Jackin-crackin."

" Definitely not."

She tapped her chin, " Jaquan!"

" What the hell? What kind of name is ' Jaquan'?"

" Jacoloco!"

" Are you done now? Im leaving."

Vanessa laughed giddily and grabbed my arm, " Okay! Okay im done im done."

I rolled my eyes, she could be annoying.

She asked again, " Okay.  Anyway, what about you? Meet anybody?"

I shrugged, " Eh. No, not really."

She frowned, " You're too frightening. Stop scaring people."

" Ain't my fault." I retorted.

At our old school, Vanessa and I were popular. She was on the volleyball team, I had a girlfriend and friends. We were both....normal..I guess.

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