Chapter 6

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Someone was poking my side and it was so annoying. My eyes can barely open. Then I remembered what happened?!?! Shit, Peter!!

Peter: Morning to you, Angel.

Veronica: hmmm...

Peter: You cry in your sleep.... I didn't know what to do so I just stayed until you woke up, but then it was going to be morning soon so, thought it would be a good idea to.... Erm..... Wake you up...... I guess?

Veronica: Thanks, Peter.

Peter: The pleasure is all mine...

Veronica didn't know that Peter had not slept a wink. He had watched her all night. He was afraid, he didn't want to let her go yet. He watched her as her soft breathing reached his neck as he brushed her red curls. He would once in a while look up and wonder if she would like him more than a friend, probably not. He has just met her, but it seems like he has known her since birth. He couldn't put a finger around it, but he knew that it was the work of the stars.

Veronica: Thanks... For everything..... I guess..... Erhm ...... See you later then... Erm  Peter... You are staring again?!?!

Peter: sorry daydreaming I guess?!?!

Veronica: Peter, Go home......

Peter: I am home, Veronica...... I just need maybe a little be more time before going back to the reality out there. Let us just be here for a little while and watch the sunrise shall we.

Veronica: Why are you so wise?!?!

Peter: Indeed the stars have taught me well. Praise thy wonderful self for giving me a chance.

Veronica: Idiot?!?!

Peter: That I am..... Veronica, that I am.....

They both watched the sunrise and waited a little while before they both got back into the reality.

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