Chapter 9

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Dipper awoke the next morning on an unfamiliar bed, tears stains his face a scream still dead on his lips and with a blond boy hugging his waist tightly while he himself was also holding the boy too. His mind was completely blank at the morning dreweryness. Where was he...?

The thoughts then hit him like a bullet to the chest. He was at Bill Cipher's, the Demon Bill Cipher aka Cryptic's house, where he was living. In his bed. Hugging him. Well cuddling him was a more truthful statement. He didn't think he'd ever flown out of bed that fast. Not even on Christmas morning.

The dream was long forgotten in favor of thinking about this new revelation. He had to sleep in that bed for a few weeks, months even. If he was to stay with Bill, and there traveling too. They'd have to share the bed. He didn't want to think of that now.

He pulled himself up to watch the demon who he soon came to realize was not snoring but purring in his sleep.

He walked out of the room in that moment. He wanted to take a long shower and then eat some breakfast.

After about a half an hour he had walked out of the shower, dried off all while avoiding that huge mirror of course and slipped on a pair of fresh underwater, jeans. Then proceed to skip his shirt in favor of pulling his blue hoodie on to his body.

He slowly made his way around the house after that. Seeing Bill still asleep on the bed with his suspiciously purr sounding snoring prompted him to begin breakfast for the two see as they'd both have asleep long, long day of magic.

He started with pulling out the supplies needed for pancakes, eggs, toast, and sausage.

Milk, eggs, frozen sausage, bread, and much more lined the counter in a neat, specific order that seemed to be subconsciously done by himself. He started to look for Pans, Bowls and cups.

The birch wood table sat adjacent to the counter he was working on. The chairs looked overly comfortable from his view.

Soon he'd gathered all the ingredients and cookware needed to make there breakfast and was well, cooking. The pancakes were browsing nicely, the eggs were scrambled to perfection, his toast could have been a little less burnt and his sausage was the definition of cooked to perfection.

He'd set the plates, forks, cups and napkins upon the table was just being in to move the food to its place when he heard a low groan from down the hall.

"Pine Tree? Are you awake?"

The demon sounded drunk to him. The words had been slurred and tired. For all he knew Bill could have been being as how little attention he'd paid mind to after their arrival at the place.

He'd softly called out, "In the kitchen Dorito."

And promptly set the last of the pancakes on the table before sitting himself down as he watched the dorito make his way into the room and what he saw was the complete opposite of what he had expected. In the demon's place stood, well what should have been standing was a comforter that made the man look like a burrito that had lost its shape. Completely lost it.

He had to hold back from falling out of his chair with laughter at his new roommates lack of being a morning person.

"Not a morning person hu?"

He grumbled a few inaudible words before even moving the blanket to face him.

"Try going from needing no sleep, to having to sleep alllll the time. Then try being a fucking morning person Pine Tree." He then moved forward and the blanket fell into one of the two chairs around the table.

He silently laughed as he dished out food onto his plate in a quiet manor. The pancakes had been the first to be devoured along with the sausage. The he'd taken his toast and put his eggs in it like a sandwich and ate that too. All the while taking small sips from his milk glass.

Soon Bill joined him in eating the food he'd prepared. It seemed he liked it and that was all that mattered to Dipper. If he could help in any way then it'd be to make food for them. He still had that possibility to be killed for not listening to the dorito so he figured why take chances under the demon's own roof.

As soon as they had finished Dipper had immediately gone to grab all the dishes and was stopped by Bill's hand reaching out to grab his wrist.

"This is a good opportunity to learn how to perform magic. Just something simple."

After a moment he let go of his wrist and started to the bedroom.

"Don't touch any dishes. Leave them there where they are and wait on the couch. Get your phone or something and play some games. I'll be back in under 10 minutes."

Then he disappeared into the hallway.

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