Chapter 10

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So, I did it. I got motivation back. I'm actually going to finish a book for once in my life. I need to remember where the plot of this is going but honestly I have my ending, (none of you will like it I know that. *cue angst with no resolution* ) but yeah. Enjoy lovies!


Mabel held a small note to her chest. The words felt like a knife in her side as she read it.

"Dear Lauren, Andrew, Mabel, Stan and Ford,
Sorry I'm not in the house right now but I could not sit through that again. Mabel I know you'll have no idea what I'm talking about just ask anyone in the house right now and you'll understand and please be safe. Tell everyone I'll be back soon okay?
Stan, Ford take care of her and I'll call at the end of the week. I won't answer my phone before then. You two of all people know I won't and I will find a way to avoid answering. And if I do it means you know who calls. Okay? Good. I love you both and Mabel a lot. I'll be back once I cool down.
Lauren and Andrew, or should I say mom and dad. Wow. You both really do hate me with and passion don't you? Even going as far as to do that. That's low. Really low. I hope you realize that. Don't call me, talk to me, and next time you come here don't expect me to be around. Delete my phone number, burn all my pictures. I don't care. Your no parents of mine and obviously I'm not your son. So goodbye. Have fun. Enjoy your pitiful life.

Love, Dipper "

A few stray tears rolled down her face. She stood up after a few minutes and whipped them away. Her anger was now outweighing her sadness.

What had her parents done to make Dipper so upset as to leave the house while they were in town. Where they the reason he refused to go to college?

She needed answers and she knew just how to get them.

Not even a minute later she was down the stairs and back into the living room an oblivious expression on her face trying to mask the anger. It seemed as her emotions were wide open to the room none the less as everyone turned to look at her either in confusion or concern.

Paz stood up from her seat and immediately walked over and rubbed her shoulder in comfort. The tension there easily relaxed at her soft and familiar touch.

She took a deep breath and pulled away slightly from Pacifica, giving her a sad smile.

"Could you turn the car on please? And wait for me?"
Pacifica opened her mouth to say something but stopped and nodded. She carefully looked over at Her parents before planting at small kiss on her cheek. She then shuffled out of the room, and let the front door close behind her.

As soon as Mabel was sure she was out of earshot she rounded on her parents, whipping around on her heel so fast her hair almost hit her in the face. Her eyes lit up like a fire full of burning passion and anger.

"How could you!" her words were angry and dripping with venom.
"What is Dipper talking about in this note! Tell me!"

She angrily threw the note at them and then crossed her arms.

She watched as both her parents looked at one another and then cautiously picked up the note.

Her father looked over the message and frowned.

"It's nothing dear. It's only an argument that involves your mother and I and Dipper." He dismissively set the note to the side and looked up at her.

Mable shook her head frivolously.
"No. It's not. " She snatched the note off the tabel and spun again to.face Ford.

"What does he mean." her voice must have rung with a ton of demanding annoyance because in the next moment Ford was gingerly placing a hand on her shoulder and he explained why Dipper had rushed out to the best of his knowledge.

The next moment she was whipping around so fast again she should have had whiplash at that point.

"You did WHAT TO HIM?" She knew at this point Pacifica had heard her. She would probably come back into the house from the car or mabey she'd get lucky and assume Dipper was here to hold her back. None the less she felt Ford's string grip on her shoulder. It grounded her in place and kept her from advancing much further.

And then her father spoke again and all hell broke loose.

"He's a faggot. Simple as that. We should have sent both of you away. As soon as we knew."

The grip on her shoulders tightened and pulled her back slightly. And then her mouth dropped open and she grasped at any words for a few moments before she spun on her heal one last time and stormed out of the house in a pissed off and hurting rage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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