Chapter Four

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Hermione was back at her compartment with her friends. Just as she expected, they were asking questions about what the Headmistress wanted.
"What did McGonagall want you for, 'Mione?" Harry asked her.
"She just wanted to tell me I was Head Girl for the year." Hermione replied casually, even thought on the inside she was really happy. She still hadn't forgotten Draco's weird behavior.
"What?! 'Mione that's great! Who's Head Boy?" Harry, once again, asked.
There it was. He had to ask. What was she going to say? 'Oh, no one important. Just our arch-nemesis. The person who had been our enemy since we first stepped foot in Hogwarts, the one and only Draco Malfoy.'? No, she was going to be clear about it.
They were all wait impatiently, until Luna said, "Hermione doesn't want to tell us. Maybe we should let her get things straight, shall we?"
"Oh, no! It's alright, it's just I hadn't heard quite right. But I'm aware that Harry asked who Head Boy was?" Hermione said quickly.
They all nodded. She could tell that this wasn't going to be a pleasant news for them.
"The new Head Boy is Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Hermione said.
"WHAT?!!" Her friends all yelled in unison.
"Just get over it guys. He's changed. I promise. And if he tries to do something, I can jinx or hex him. Remember when I jinxed Mariela, Cho's friend in fifth year? I can protect myself. I promise." Hermione, reassuringly, said.
"Well, I trust you very much 'Mione. Of course you can take care of yourself. Hell, you're the 'War Heroine'!!" Harry said, and everyone else nodded in agreement.
"Thank you Harry. And if I ever need help, I can just ask any of you." Hermione said. "Well we better get into our robes, we'll be there in no time, I suppose."
Ginny, Luna, and Hermione got up and went to change into their school robes. Hermione was quite silent, considering she always made small talk.
She couldn't help but think, she was going to share common room with Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Hell, she was scared and a tad bit curious about what would happen.

  Hello there!!! Here's another chapter.
  Fact #1: I love Teen Wolf and Harry Potter. Also, The Vampire Diaries.
  Question: What show is your favorite??
  Read, comment, like, and enjoy!!❤️❤️ I love y'all!!

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