Chapter Five

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A few weeks had gone by fast. It was almost October, and it was also getting quite cold outside. Everything seemed as if no one ever hated each other in the past, even Draco and Hermione.
  Ron and Hermione had broken up because they did feel the spark anymore. They also wanted to have a break, since Ron kept googling over other girls.
Draco and Hermione were both getting along together, and they seemed like best friends. Blaise and Pansy seemed to notice a sort of spark between the two when they were together. They hadn't seen their mate this relaxed since...ever.
Harry and Ginny were spending quite less time than before. Neville and Luna did the opposite. They hung out even more than before.
It was one day afternoon and Draco and Hermione were sitting on the couch of their common room by the fire. They hadn't really planned on doing anything that Saturday. That is, until they heard a knock on the door.
"Bloody hell! Won't you just open the damn door. Your were the head of my house and I respected you, I think it's time I get my respect back!" They heard a screaming Blaise.
"Oh no. We better go open the door, or else he'll get in a fight with the portrait of Snape." Said Hermione.
"Fine. I'll go get it. You stay here, or else you're gonna get cold." Draco replied.
Draco stood up and walked over to the door. Blaise was outside fuming about the row he just had with the portrait.
"And what might you be doing here?" Draco asked.
"Merlin! Can't I come visit my mate? Maybe I'm just tired of Pansy making me read magazines and articles about beauty supplies!" Blaise replied to his mate. "But I have to say, they are quite some good supplies for all those uglies out there."
  "Really Blaise? There's a female in our presence, dot be stupid and take a social cue." Draco said pointed to Hermione while she did an awkward wave to the boys.
  "Right, well hello there Gra-Hermione! How are you?" Blaise went over to her.
  "Sure, just come in without the actual people who are practically the owners of this common room, inviting you in? Wow." Draco said sarcastically.
  "So how are things here?" Blaise asked.
  "Good." Both Hermione and Draco said. They glared at each other.
  "Don't do that."
  "No you stop."
  "Will both of you shut the hell up?" Blaise asked annoyed.
  "Fine okay! But, just remember Blaise, I can kick you out in a second." Draco said.
  "You know, I think it's about time we sneak out of Hogwarts. How about we go into Hogsmeade, and then sneak out into muggle London?" Blaise asked suggestively.
  "I'm up to it, but this bookworm? Not so sure." Draco said.
  "Hey, rude! I can have a little fun. I'm up to it, too!" Hermione said glaring at Draco.
  "Fine just get ready. I'll be back in about fifteen minutes. I've already asked Weaslette." Blaise said in his way to the door.
  Blaise left, and then it was just Draco and Hermione again. Hermione looked at Draco, but she hadn't realized she was staring for about one minutes because Draco spoke up.
  "You're staring." Draco said while he looked at her.
  "I'm not staring, I'm gazing." Hermione said back.
  "Well if you really want me that bad, just ask me out." Draco said with his most famous smirk.
  She blushed and threw a pillow at Draco. It hit Draco in his face and he groaned. Hermione laughed while he glared at her.
  "You know what? Let me just get my sweater while you grab yours, and then meet Blaise outside of our common room." Hermione said, and she walked up to her room.
  Draco stared after her and watched as her hips swayed as she walked. He had to force himself to look away. He had no idea what was going on with him. He then went up to his room to retrieve his jacket and went to the living room to wait for Hermione.
  She came a few moments after he got there. He offered her his arm, and she linked them together. What he didn't notice, though, was her big grin. After exiting the common room, she had to force herself to stop smiling.
  About two minutes later, Ginny and Blaise came laughing at something Blaise did.
  "How the hell did you fall? You were walking perfectly fine!" Ginny laughed.
  Blaise glared at her, and she instantly stopped.
  "Ready to go?" Blaise asked, and they all nodded.
  They made their way to the entrance of Hogwarts and exited. They were halfway on their way to Hogsmeade when Hermione tripped and almost fell. But, she was lucky to have Draco beside her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close.
"Woah there Hermione. You alright?" Draco asked. Hermione nodded. They kept on walking afterwards. Then, they had made their way into Hogsmeade.


Hello! I'm sorry I haven't updated in quite a time, but I had a writers block😣
I hope this makes up for the time I haven't updated in! Until next update, which might be later today or tomorrow. Bye!

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