Chapter 4

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A moon later, Night felt like waiting to become a to-be was taking forever. She become bored of all of the games, she wanted to be a to-be. She was now five moons old and didn't want to wait.

"Do you want to play Hare Hopper?" Hawk asked.

"No," Night meowed.

"Leaf Jump?"


"Catch the Hare?"


"What do you want to play?"

"I don't want to play!"

"Why not?"

"I feel strange."

Feather padded over to Hawk. "I'll play Leaf Jump with you, Hawk!" she mewed.

Suddenly, Cloud and Moon through the tunnel and stared at Hawk, Feather and Night.

"Are any of the kits not here?" Moon asked Night.

"Eagle is with the elders and Hare is playing with the to-bes," Night replied. "Why?"

"We were hunting and rouges attacked us."

"Why didn't you have a cave-guard with you?"

"Snow and Water were on cave-guarding duty and Flower was training Fang. Also Twig wasn't feeling well."

"Did the rouges follow you?"

"We're not sure."

Cloud stared at Night. "Why are you asking questions like you're Stoneteller?"

"I don't know!" Night hissed. "Maybe because I'm worried?"

"Well, as long as you kits are safe, we are fine."

"Rouges! Rouges are attacking!" a voice – belonging to a she-cat – screeched.

Night followed Moon and Cloud through the tunnel and to the main part of the cave. Leaf had deep scratches and was lying on the floor of the cave, Leaf was under the claws of a pale ginger rouge.

"Leaf!" a cave-guard cried. The he stared at the rouge and growled: "You will die you what you have done to her!"

Another rouge – this one was grey – glared at the cave-guard. "You want to hurt my Jinx, you have to go through me!"

"Gladly!" the cave-guard snarled, he un-sheltered his claws and sprang at the grey rouge.

Night watch in horror as the grey rouge was being shredded by the cave-guard. The pale ginger rouge – now known as Jinx – stared at the cave-guard, how had almost killed the grey rouge.

"Stop!" Jinx hissed at the cave-guard. "We will go back to our home. Get off my mate!"

The cave-guard did as Jinx said. The grey rouge got up and followed Jinx to the cave exit.

"Come on, Jayme!" Jinx hissed to the grey rouge. "Twang will be waiting at home."

After the rouges were gone, Stoneteller came out of the Cave of Pointed Stones with some herbs to help Leaf.

"Is she going to die?" the cave-guard asked Stoneteller.

"No, she won't die, Twig," Stoneteller mewed. "But she should go off her duties for a while."

"OK, thank you, Stoneteller."

Night went back to her part of the cave. She knew that Stoneteller was going tell her mother something. Stoneteller is acting like she's going to have a to-be...

Was Stoneteller get a to-be? Who would the to-be be?

Night went to the nest she had made by herself. She had gotten too big to sleep in a nest with her mother. Feather and Eagle were small her their age.

Night got into her nest and closed her eyes, in three moons she would be a to-be. But it feels like forever away!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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