Chapter 14: A Concussed, Annoying Fan

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Chapter 14: A Confused, Annoying Fan

Lauren's POV

"You know, Skilar, how you said you're on the U.S. U-17 Women's National Soccer team? Why haven't you been playing?" I asked as Skilar laid awake next to me on the hammock in a sleeping bad.

"I haven't gotten called back up again. For the past few months or so, I haven't been playing too well. Stuff happens and gets in the way. Then with this concussion, it will set me back even more as I was just getting better again," Skilar replied.

"I'm sorry I asked. That was a really long answer and you probably shouldn't have put so much thinking into a response."

"No, it's okay. It's good to know the truth," she said but something was off in her response. I'm not sure what it was but I could see it in her face. She quickly kissed my cheek before I could say something. I decided to let it go as she has a concussion so her mind might just not be all there at the moment. She shot me a smile and I dismissed any worry I had for her.

"So, you should probably rest some more," I commanded.

"No thanks, Commander Lauren. I've already slept so much today and I just want to get away from this house," Skilar begged.


"Please?" She asked desperately, sounding like an adorable baby with a puppy dog face.

"Ugh, fine," I said defeated.

"Thanks babe. Can we skateboard to the little beach house my grandma has? Remember it?"

"You mean the shack? Of course I do," I said smiling as I remembered the place we went to right after our first kiss. "Yes we can but absolutely no skateboarding for you. It's either we walk there or I push you in a stroller."

"So a stroller it is-"

"I was joking. I'm not strong enough nor do I have a stroller big enough for you. We're walking and no protesting from you," I demanded.

"Yes ma'am," she mumbled.


Skilar and I slowly walked down to the small beach house her grandma owned. We both wore sunglasses and ball caps as we ventured off, hand in had. With my hand in one of Ski's hands, she had a water bottle in the other. Every now and then, she'd sip on the bottle whenever she had a slight inkling of a headache. She also occasionally put her hand to her forehead and slowly rubbed it.

"Do you need Advil or Tylenol? Are you sure you're okay?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Plus, medicine just doesn't really work for me," she stubbornly replied.

I gave her a suspicion look.

"What? It's true!" She said and I just rolled my eyes.

"It's a shame you're concussed because I have to be nice to you all the time," I explained

"Maybe I should get injured more then... but I'd rather not because being injured sucks and not being able to play soccer sucks as well. I'm glad school ended last week too or I would be in deep shit."

"Watch your language and stop talking so much, you're going to give yourself another headache."

"Shut up," she said then gently shoved me. I was about to shove her back when I realized that would probably not be a good idea. When we got to the tiny beach house, Skilar unlocked and opened the door. I followed her in then closed and locked the door behind me. Before I could even absorb my surroundings within the house, Skilar eagerly pressed her lips against mine. I softly kissed back then pulled away.

"Why'd you stop?" Ski whined as we both sat down on the couch.

"Because you're supposed to not be doing much physical action," I reasoned with her.

"So you're implying you would have gotten more physical?" She asked smirking.

"Oh my gosh, why are you like this?" I said annoyed. "No and stop. Go to sleep."

"Can we please just watch TV or Netflix instead?" Ski begged.

"No, that would stimulate your mind too much."

"Ugh, fine," she said then quickly pulled out her phone and opened Twitter. I quickly snatched her phone away from her.

"That includes phones too, all screens," I said, going into parent mode.

"Give it back Laur," she said, reaching over my lap as I held her phone as far away from her as possible.

"No Ski," I said.

"Seriously, please give it back," she said as her cheeks were turning red.

"You're blushing! What could you possibly be hiding?" I asked smirking. Her blushing continued as she tried to tackle me to get her phone back. My curious self decided to unlock her phone and look at what was open. The profile on the account said cimorelli6ever.

"What is this?" I asked her, not looking up. She was silent. I continued to scroll through the profile and figured out it was a fan account for me and my sisters. It wasn't just any fan account, it was Skilar's.

"How long have you had this?" I asked laughing. She continued to remain silent as her cheeks were red. As I read through some of the tweets, I said, "Well, I sure do have the best girlfriend in the world. She's my number one fan, literally. Dang, you even put "Lauren's #1 Fan" as your Twitter name, now that's dedication-"

"Shut up, Lauren," Skilar said as she hid her bright red face in her hands.

"-Oh, you have a lot of followers too," I continued. "You're kinda funny too, just kinda because I think pretty much all of your jokes are really bad. I'm surprised you've kept this a secret for so long. Even your Twitter friends don't know anything about us. You're good, you should work for the CIA or something."

"Way to embarrass me," she mumbled under her hands.

"Well, I am playing as your parent today," I said with a laugh.

"Just stop talking about it," Skilar groaned.

"Ski, please don't be embarrassed. I think it's cute, weird but cute. You're my little dork," I said as I leant down to kiss her warm forehead. She was still a little sick and still a lot embarrassed. I then stood up and looked outside to see that the sky was painted with a beautiful sunset. I reached my hand out for hers while saying, "Let's go outside and watch the sunset. It's almost as beautiful as you tonight. Then we'll walk back to your house."

"Okay," she said quietly, taking my hand. We left our sunglasses in the shack then sat on the sand after we had locked the door.

"I have a confession to make," she said after a few minutes. Her head was comfortably leaning against my shoulder as I had a my arm around her. "That Twitter account isn't my only fan account."

"What could be worse? Are you writing fanfiction too?" I joked. When she was silent, I realized my joke was a reality. "Wait, really?"

"Yep. I'm actually pretty good, not to brag or anything. I mean, the story is literally an autobiography about us," she said, winking up at me.

"Oh shit."

"Watch your language, young lady," she said laughing. I then pushed her over as I clenched my teeth.

"Wow, so much for no physical contact," she smirked. I couldn't help but blush and smile and quickly kiss her. She's an annoying fan but she's my annoying fan.

Author's Note: I finally updated after what seems like years because it's literally been years since I've updated other stories, lol whoops. I'm so sorry this chapter is kind of short but it's the effort that counts, right? 😂 Anyways, I've been doing well, just incredibly busy with a million different things plus I had writer's block for awhile. I'm thinking the next chapter or the one after will be the last, we'll see how it plays out haha. I might do a sequel as I actually started writing the third and fourth books in this series last year lol. However, at the rate I'm going, the first chapter of the sequel to this probably won't be written and posted until 2018. Finally, thank you all for still reading this and being patient with my lack of updating!

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