18: New Mexico

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I woke up surprised. I was in the back of a pickup truck. I grew scared. Were we kidnapped last night? I quickly woke up James who was lying down beside me. I didn't want to ruin his sleep but I had no choice.

"James... James wake up," I whispered while shaking him.

He opened his eyes slightly and smiled at me.

"Good morning. Why'd you wake me up?" He stretched and yawned, sitting up.

"I think we were kidnapped!" I whisper-shouted.

He just laughed at me. I frowned at him. What was so funny about it?

"There's nothing funny about being kidnapped." I said, crossing my arms.

He just continued laughing though.

"We haven't been kidnapped Kiera." He said. I didn't speak. It wasn't because I found out we weren't kidnapped (which I don't think is actually possible since we're at the back of someone's pickup truck). It was because he actually used my name. I never heard say my name. And even if I did... I probably didn't remember. Pff... why is this thing so important to me. He just said my name. It's just my name. Just my name. Nothing special. Just my name.

"Kiera. You ok?" He held my hand. I looked at it. He was holding my hand. James Knightly was holding my hand. Well pff... like I care. I couldn't care. I shouldn't care. I don't care. At least I don't want to care.

"Kiera?" He looked at me. His eyes. My stomach. I feel... No. It can't be. Not butterflies! I definitely do not like James!

"Kiera? You... ok?"

I pulled my hand away.

"Yeah. I... I... I'm ok." I smiled. He smiled back. He smiled back at me... No. Not again. No. I can't like him. It's only been a day with him. Just one day. I do not like him. I can't. That'd be too fast. I'm probably just ill or something. I'm supposed to be his basher. Not lover! Just basher.

"Well just as I was saying," he started talking. I didn't mind what he was saying. I just stared at him. I don't know why. I just... Urrghh.... I can't like James! No! I can't!

"Kiera? Were you listening?" I raised both of my brows asking, "What?"

"You weren't listening. Right?" Yeah I wasn't listening to you because I was wondering if I'm falling in love with you. I mean if I like you. Love is such a strong word. And geez... wish I could tell him that. Or maybe I wish I could tell him not.

"Yeah... sorry. I think I was... uhhh... zoning out." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well make sure you won't zone out this time because I'm telling you again." I nodded.

"Well last night there was a couple who stopped in front of the tree we were sleeping under. They saw us and recognized me. I asked them if they could help us to at least get to New Mexico. They agreed since they were heading to the state too."

I looked at him, confused. I mean, how did he know about New Mexico? Is there even a state called New Mexico? I don't remember...

"How did you know about New Mexico? I mean... you're British. And... you never lived here. I mean... I lived here my whole life I don't even know that there's a state called New Mexico."

He laughed.

"Vinz remember?"

Oh yeah... Vinz told him.

"Oh right."

He laughed. I then found myself laughing together with him just because.

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