Beautiful Life

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My alarm beeped 6:45

“Ugh!” I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. I don’t wanna go.

“Niall!” My mum yelled coming into my room. “You’re going to be late!” she opened the blinds in my room. Sunlight. Yup defiantly not in Ireland. “You better be down stairs in seven minutes!” And with that she left the room. Seven? I pulled the covers off and got up. I squinted, looking out the window. It was beautiful. That’s for sure: Palm trees, flowers, and everything was so bright. I saw a girl running down the dirt road we now lived on. Blonde hair pulled back, she was tan wearing running shorts and a sports bra. I was expecting her to just run past but she didn’t. She slowed to a walk and went into the house next door. I looed out the window on the other wall at the house. Then a saw her again, waking into the room facing mine. She slipped off her shoes and let down her hair. It was long, almost white blonde, sort of curly/wavy. She shook it a little then looked up. I didn’t know what to do. If I could see her, she could defiantly see me. She waved a little then walked into a different room. I was stunned. No one sees a guy looking into their room and just waves.

Once I got down stairs I ate a piece of toast and headed to the car. My mom was driving us, that’s definitely going to make me the cool lad. Greg got the front, of course. The little brother always gets the back. It was strange though, to be driving on the right side of the road. When we got to the school, we parked. I forgot my mom had to come in to sign us in. as we walked towards it people looked at us, but no one stared. The school was nice. Modern, big flat-screen TV’s on the walls, a large colored class sign reading: Heath Martin International School.  We walked into the main office.

“Hello, My boys are starting their first day today.” My mum said nicely. The lady smiled.

“Ok. I’ll just get the forms for you to sign and then they will be all set. What’s the last name?” She started typing on a keyboard.

“Horan. H-O-R-A-N.” The Lady nodded.

“Ok.” She said turning around and grabbing a couple files. “Now I’m going to need you to sign here and here. You just use your finger. ” She pointed to some thing on and IPad. I snickered, I’m a sixteen year old lad, give me a break. I heard someone else chuckle and looked to my right. There was a lad sitting in a chair a few over from me. After my mum signed she said goodbye and left. “So which one is Greg?” My brother raised his hand. She handed him a few pieces of paper explaining was each is. Greg left and the lady turned to me. “So you must be Nail.”

“Niall.” I corrected her. She just smiled and gave me my schedule.

“We have a few other new students in your grade so you can just have a seat right here and someone will give you a tour in a few minutes.” I nodded and sat down next to the lad a few seats down.

“Irish, Eh?” He asked my eyes widened as I heard his accent.

“Yes, Mullingar. Where abouts you? North London?”

“Woverhampton, near Birmingham.” He outstretched his hand. “I’m Liam.”

“Niall.” I shook his hand. Maybe this year wasn’t going to be so bad.

“And that’s my brother, Trevor.” Liam nodded towards a guy leaning against one of the walls, texting.

“Twins?” I asked, though it was obvious. They looked identical except for Trevor had longer hair, and was wearing looser jeans.

“Yup.” Liam said looking towards the door as another family walked in. a mother with a daughter and son. The girl looked older than us, while the lad looked our age. When the mother started to talk to the lady at the desk Liam and I let out cheers.

“Yeah!!” They looked over at us confused.

“They’re excided about more Brits.” Trevor said walking to the chair a few down.

“You’re all British?” The girl asked. Liam and Trevor nodded.

“Irish.” I said.  They nodded and as before the mother left, the girl got her papers and left and the lad sat with us.

“I’m Liam.” He out stretched his hand to the lad.

“Niall.” I said with a wave.

“I’m Zayn.” He shook Liam’s hand and nodded to me.

“Bradford?” Trevor said looking at his phone. Zayn nodded. “Best mates from there.” Zayn didn’t look very interested. “So Heath like Heath Ledger?” Trevor asked the desk lady. She smiled slightly and shook her head.

“No, but it is Martin as in Astion Martin. Same family.” A guy said walking into the office. He was tall, built, looked like a jock. “You guys must be the new kids. I’m Landon, Landon smith. I’m the caption of the Football team.” He walked by shaking all of our hands.

“I’m Louie!” The guy behind him said in a British accent also shaking all of our hands. “Louie Tomlinson, caption of the real football team.” He smirked at Landon. Landon narrowed his eyes. This will be interesting.

Beautiful Life- A One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now