Chapter 7- Sofie

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I walked into my second class of the day. Military Studies was written on the white board along with a “Welcome new students” in large cursive letters. There were already a few students in seats so I took a set in the middle. Not to far back, but not to close to the front. About a minute later Callie walked in, taking the seat next to me. She filled me in on her very eventful heath class, and I filled her in on my very boring chemistry class. I watched as people filled the room. Liam, Niall, Zayn and Tommo collectively walked in and sat around us. Jocks seemed to all migrate to the back rows, the brilliant kids sat in the front, and everyone else just filled in the empty seats. I was talking with the boys when I saw Liam’s face changes his eyes widened a little, and he bit his lip. I turned and saw what he was looking at. A girl had just walked in the room. Dark brown, strait hair falling to her waist, perfect tan, perfect skin, perfect smile; she ran her fingers through her hair as she walked in front of the room, talking with another girl. They took seats next to the windows almost to the back. Liam shifted turning him self more towards the back of the room.  Tommo had a grin on his face and shook his head.

“Don’t even think about it mate.” Liam looked at him and looked as if he was going to say something, but a woman, who looked like the teacher walked in. she stood in front of the class and introduced her self as Professor Chelling.

“Now as most of you know HMIS has a very large population of Military kids, so given that the military plays such a big part in this school learning about the Military is a must. Now just so we can get a feel of the situation, can everyone who has a direct family member in the military please raise their hands. I raised mine and Callie did too, as well as half the class, including the pretty girl Liam had been drooling over. The teacher spent the rest of class asking basic questions about chain of command, difference between the branches of the military, pretty basic stuff. It was a pretty fun class. The teacher was really good at getting everyone to participate, except for two. Liam’s girl spent the entire time looking out the window, and a blonde girl one the other side of the room who looked like she was asleep, who I recognized from my P.E. class. Both girls were silent the entire class, but the teacher never said anything, but during the class she went up to both of them, put her hand on her shoulder and whispered something to them. It kinda bugged me. I hate it when a teacher is so nice to the to-good-for-school kids.

            After the bell rang we headed to lunch. We sat at the same table as the day before. Callie, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Tommo, and I chatted for most of lunch. We finished early and headed down the hall towards our next classes.

            “What do you mean ‘The Video Production Room’?” I asked walking backwards so I could look at Tommo.

            “Yup, hundreds of camera: everything from GoPro’s to telly cameras, 3D, slow motion, anything you could want.”

            “So just anyone can use the stuff?”

            “Mostly, Sofie!” Tommo reached for my arm, but I collided with the person behind me before he could pull me out of the way. I turned slowly, as did the guy I walked into. He was tall, brown hair, and built. He was also Niall’s brother. Dylan walked out from behind him, smirking.

            “Watch where you’re going you little twat!” Niall’s brother yelled at me, he pushed me slightly.

            “Greg!” Niall shouted, but another guy shoved him against a locker.

            “Look mate she wasn’t looking where she was going! It was an accident.” Tommo tried to argue. Liam’s brother pushed him, causing him to stumble back wards a few steps.

            “Trevor!” Liam stood up to his brother, but we were out numbered.

            “Fucking little twat, maybe I’ll  give you what you deserve.” He grabbed my arm, holding it tight.

            “Let me go!” I pushed him and he let go. By this point a crowed had gathered around us.

            “Don’t tell me what to do, you fat..” He raised his hand; I flinched knowing he was going to slap me. I closed my eyes slightly as a fist collided with Greg’s cheek. For a moment all I could see was that hand: Tan, slender fingers, and a tattoo of a sunflower between the thumb and first finger. It was the hand of a girl.

            Greg stumbled back, clutching his cheek. The girl came in full view now: Blonde messy hair, wearing a tee shirt and shorts. Jossi, she was in a couple of my classes, but I hadn’t spoken to her. I expected her to throw another punch at Greg but she pushed past him and wrapped her fists in Dylan’s shirt collar. She shoved him against the wall, hard.

            “I swear to god Dylan, if you or your friends ever touch one of my friends again, I will personally kick your ass. Understand?” He didn’t respond, he just looked at her, his face white, whether with embarrassment or fear, I didn’t know.  They starred at each other. They were about the same height, Jossi was maybe an inch or two shorter, but with every muscle in her body tensed she looked like she would win if they fought. She shoved him again and let go. She walked towards me, she put her hand on my soulder.

            “Come on.” I fallowed her down the hall and around a corner. When we were away from people she spoke. “Are you ok?” She looked at me, and looked genuinely concerned. I nodded.

            “Yeah, just a little indian burn.” I looked at my forearm which was red. She looked at it to.

            “I think we should get you some ice.” It didn’t hurt that bad, but I wasn’t going to object to a girl who had just punch and angry Irishman, and threatened the king of the school. Callie and the others came around the corner at this time.

            “Why’d you do that?” I asked. I don’t know what, but it was strange. We had never spoken, so why did she call me a friend? Or was she even talking about me.

            “Look Dylan thinks he’s the shit around here. Once he starts bullying someone, he wont stop. And it’s not just him. All of his so called friends will do it to, and frankly I’m sick of it.” We were walking down the hall, towards a door that read ‘Faculty’

            “Why’d you call me a friend?” She looked at me from the side. “I mean, not that I object or anything, but we haven’t really met..” I looked at my shoes.

            “You’re Sofie Candoll. You shot the winning goal at the U.S. Elite camp scrimmage against the Canada girls.” Hole-y crap. I did know her, kinda. Camp in June, that’s why she looked so familiar. “And any person not friends with Dylan is a friend of mine.” She smiled at me “I’ll be right back.” She slipped into the faculty room. I hopped she wouldn’t say anything about this to any of the teachers. Callie and the boys asked how I was, if I was ok, offered to beat their brother, ok that was just Liam. Jossi came out holding an ice pack, hand towel, and ace bandage. She carefully wrapped the towel around my forearm, applied the icepack, and then covered it with the ace bandage. The bell rang, signaling it was time to go to class. “You know how to get to your next class from here?” She asked looking at her Rockwell watch. I nodded, but I’m pretty sure she knew I didn’t. “Tommo, you show her? I gotta get to history before Ms. Gall freaks. He nodded and Jossi started walking down the hall. “See you in P.E.!” She said, before turning and disappearing.

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