Chapter 8- Jossi

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            I sat at my desk, the bell rang and the teacher started to talk. I stared at the speaker on the wall. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. The speaker vibrated as a voice was heard.

            “Jossi Monroe please come to the office, Jossi Monroe come to the office.” The other kids in the class looked at me. The teacher nodded at me and I slid out of my chair. I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked down the hall. I pulled out a little piece of seaweed and dropped it on the ground. Wish I would’ve showered after lunch aka surf break. That’s probably the best thing about this school: during lunch you can go out to the beach and surf. Luckily there’s only a few of us that still do it; me, Courtnee, kai, Caden, Gabe, and usually Harry, but he didn’t show up today.

            I took a deep breath as I entered the office. Amy smiled at me and picked up the phone and told the principal that I was there.

            “You can go in.” She hung up the phone. “And by the way, good job.” She said it with a smile; I smiled slightly and pushed past the heavy oak door.

            “Jossi, please have a seat.” I sat in the chair across from Mrs. Mitch. She was tall and skinny, wore those ungodly tall high heals, her hair up in some strange cone hair do, make up perfect, and her 300-dollar suit was without a wrinkle. Her nose was scrunched as she started to speak.

            “Assault is a felony Mss. Monroe.” She glanced from her red manicured fingers to me. “Now Mr. Horan said he would not press charged, but we will have to take action against this.” Are you fucking kidding me?

            “He was going to hit Sofie!” My voice was a little louder then intended; but it got her attention.

            “I highly doubt that.”

            “Really because there were at least seven other people there that would agree!”

            “Jossi! You’re ac..” I rolled my eyes and cut her off.

            “Look, that guy is one of Dylan’s puppets, and I’m not…” Mrs. Mitch cut me off this time.

            “Dylan Styles Is a nice young man!” She was standing now. I stood too.

            “No he’s really not!”

            “He is not bullying anyone! That doesn’t happen he..”

            “HALF THE STUDENTS AT THIS SCHOOL ARE MILITARY KIDS, YET THE ONLY KIDS YOU EVER CARE ABOUT ARE THE ONES WHO’S PARENTS PAIED FOR THE NICE LITTLE POURCH OF YOURS!” Mrs. Mitch was startled to say the least. She starred at me wide-eyed, mouth gaping. “Open your eyes Mrs. Mitch. Kids get bullied, even at your perfect school. But as long as I’m here I’m not going to let Dylan Styles get away with it.” I walked out of the room and down the hall. I didn’t look back. I know how to make a statement. Once I was almost to class I stopped. My whole body was shaking. I can’t believe I just told off the principal of my school. I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I concentrated on breathing to try and slow my pulse, which was racing. I ran my fingers over the wooden beads of my bracelet. I looked up, through the glass roof that covered the hall way.

            “Sorry dad.” I quietly whispered kissing the bracelet. I wiped the tear from my cheek and headed back to my class. No one asked about what had happened, and I hadn’t been called back to the office so either Mrs. Mitch actually heard something I said, or she was filling out my expulsion papers.

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