Chapters 29-32

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29.Not a Fair Fight

The guard pulled us all the way to Billy's throne room, where the guard left with a bow. We bowed and as we straighten up, Billy asked, “Are you two ready to fight?”

“Here?” I asked as a guard ran up and removed our chains.

“Another?” John inquired as he stared at me, who was both young and strong with all the power of a lion still in me.

“Yes and yes! Fight!” Billy ordered and I leaped onto John, knocking him to the floor. John fought back the best he could, but he was still weak from his earlier battle; plus, he was no match for a lion. I soon sadly had him pinned to the ground and Billy yelled, “Stop!”

“Yes sir,” I said happily as I helped up the pitiful-looking John.

“Guards take John to his brother,” Billy demanded and I turned to leave too. “Not you James!” I stopped short of the door and hurried back to the middle. I bowed again and looked up at him. “You shall fight again; but this time, you will fight Captain Matt,” Billy laughed as Captain Matt appeared from the shadows and I cowered. “Fight!”

Matt leaped onto me, but I kicked him off; then he punched me in the face and I couldn't see. I fell onto the ground and Captain Matt continued his assault. Finally Billy called an end to it and had the guards carry me to the doctor's tent. They easily lifted me and ran me to the tent, where they laid me on the table and left. I looked through my one not swollen eye and noticed John, sitting in a chair as Dr. Jason wrapped John's gash on his arm.

“James! OW! OW!” John screamed as he quickly stood up, but he fell back into the chair.

“Hi,” I cried weakly.

“Brother take care of James; then finish me,” John ordered as he stared at me horrified.

“I'm almost done, John. I will get to James in a minute,” Dr. Jason replied without even glancing at me. He wrapped John's last bleeding wound and turned around. His jaw hit the ground as he saw me. “James, what happened?” he exclaimed as he grabbed more linden and began to bandage my arms.

“Matt,” I whispered as the pain ceased a tad.

“Matt is a vicious animal,” John agreed as he stood and slowly helped Dr. Jason.

“John, you should rest,” I whimpered as they finally finished.

“Sure James, but so should you. Let's go,” John told and I stood up, wavering for a brief second.

I started to follow John, but I bumped into a chair to my right. “OW!” I screamed as I hissed under my breath.

“James come here,” ordered Dr. Jason as he tapped a chair and John waited at the flap as I sat down.

“Is everything okay, brother?” John inquired as Dr. Jason peered into my right eye.

“Yes, it is nothing time can't fix. Hand me some bandages,” Dr. Jason answered as he grabbed some bandages and covered my right eye. “What happened?”

“Matt punched me there,” I answered sadly.

“Okay. John help him to the room,” Dr. Jason commanded and John let me put my right hand on his shoulder as we began our slow walk.

30.Saved by Girls

“Stop right there!” ordered a guard as we were about to the hotel. John quickly stopped, making run into him. “Where are your chains?” snickered the guard pleased with himself.

“The doctor was out,” John answered quickly. “You may place them on us; then we shall go to our room.” He was confident that everything would turn out fine.

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