Chapter 2 - On My Way

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Perrie's P.O.V

"Perrie! Is it true your pregnant!?"

"Are you and Zayn breaking up?"

"Are you cheating on Zayn!?" 

The paparazzi say as Jade and I walk through the crowd to get to our car.

We finally get there and head home. Gosh, how I wish i could get away from this life for a little while...

We arrive at Jade and I's flat we share, and walk inside. 

"Sometimes, I hate the paps." Jade says. 

"Me too." I reply.

"Wanna call the rest of the girls and have a sleepover?" I ask Jade who has sat down in front of the TV. 

"Yes!" she screams making me jump a bit. 

"Allrighty then" I reply and call Leigh and Jesy.

I sit down beside Jade and wait for them to come.

They arrive shortly with their things and plop down on the couch beside us. 

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask

"MAKEOVERS!" We all shout.

"Yall's about to get Perriefied." I say and they laugh in response.

Paris' P.O.V

beep beep beep! 

I groan and turn my alarm off and look at the time. 6:15 Ugh. My flight leaves at 8. 

I get up and head strait to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and then walk back to my room  and pick out my outfit.

I decide on a sky-blue mid thigh length dress, and white flats. 

I go over to my vanity putting on mascara and lip gloss, and curl my naturally wavy hair a bit and place a floral headband in it. 

I grab my suitcase that I packed last night and check the clock.  6:35. 

I walk downstairs with my suitcase and sit it by the door. I go to the kitchen to make some breakfast for me and the rest of the kids. No one is up yet seeing as it is 6:30ish. Mary comes down looking a mixture of happy and sad. 

"Morning, Sweetie." she says to me.

"Good Morning, Mary." I reply to her with a smile.

"You don't have to make for the rest of the kids honey."she says noticing the ingredients I got out.

"It's allright I want to."  I say as I continue making the waffle batter.

After I finish making breakfast I eat some waffles then Mary and I go to the airport, While another worker stayed at the Orphanage. 

We arrive at the airport and I grab my bags and make my way to the entrance with Mary right behind me. 

Perrie's P.O.V.

I wake up and look over and see no one beside me on the Living Room floor. 

I get up and go to the kitchen and find Leigh and Jesy raiding our pantry and Jade watching them in amusement.

"BOO!" I scream making them scream and making Jesy throw the marsh-mellows across the room.

"Dang it, Perrie. Don't do that!" Jade says.

"Where are your Cocoa Puffs!?" Leigh whines.

"They should be right there on the third shelf." I reply.

I receive a devious look from Jade as she points to on top of the fridge behind a basket, the Cocoa Puffs.

I hold back a laugh and made a sound that wasn't human. Jesy and Leigh turn to me with weird expressions on their faces. 

"Lets just go to Starbucks!" Jesy suggests. We all agree and I head to my room to get ready.

I take a shower and go to my closet to find something to wear. I decide on a cream coloured crop top with light blue floral high waisted shorts and lacey flats with a floral headband and some ray bans. 

I put on my usual makeup consisting of eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, blush, foundation, and lipstick. 

Once everyone is ready we all pile in the car and head to Starbucks.

Paris' P.O.V.

Currently, I am sitting in a taxi looking around London. Gosh it's wonderful. I have a feeling I will fit in good here. I won't be called 'The British Girl' because everyone here is British. 

I get out of the taxi and pay the driver before walking into my favourite shop of all time. Starbucks. Before I order I decide to go to the Ladies room. 

Perrie's P.O.V

When we arrive at Starbucks I immediately tell the girls i have to use the restroom. I head that way and as I walk in I see a girl who looks exactly like me. I did a double take and remembered what my mum told me when I was younger.

*Flash back* 

"Mum why didn't i ever have any younger brothers or sisters?" I ask my mum.

"You do. Caitlin is younger." she replies to me.

"No, mum. Like yours and dad's kid."  I say to her.

"Well, Um. You do have a younger sister. She's missing, but somewhere she's out there. She's your twin. I hope someday, we'll find her, and we can be a family." she explains.

"What's her name?" I ask, curiosity  getting the best of me.

"Her name is Paris." she replies.

*End of Flashback*

"Paris" I whisper.

She turns around and faces me. 

"yes" she answers equally as quiet.

"It really is you." I say and tears start to rim my eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"I'm your sister." I say and she instantly hugs me.

"You don't know how long i've waited for someone to say that." she says as we hug. 

"Oh my gosh.Mum. Oh my gosh. She has to meet you and Caitlin and Jonnie and the girls oh my god. Wait.. Do you know my name?"  I ramble..

"No. Why? Should I?"

"Um.. I'm Perrie Louise Edwards I'm in a band called Little Mix, and the cherry on top to all of that, I'm dating Zayn Malik from One Direction..." I answer her.

"Wow." She replies in shock.

I can't believe I found her. We look exactly the same. I just met my Twin sister. 

Long Lost Sister (Perrie Edwards, Little Mix, One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now